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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-11-2011 5:42 PM by Vienna. 2 replies.
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  • 11-11-2011 4:30 PM

    Adding a second CD Player to a ML system - HOW

    Feel silly asking this but I'm sure there is an answer... So I see that Beo4 has a CD2 function, am I therefore able to add a second CD source to my ML system. Already have BS9000 as an audio master in the living room but I wanted to also add a Beocenter 2300 which is upstairs. Would like to be able to select either unit from any room whiich I'm guessing is via CD or CD2. Only problem is I can't find any ML setup instructions "A.OPT" to set the second source (BC2300) to respond as CD2 from Beo4 (via a link room). The whole thing will be further complicated by me using a Beolink Wireless with a Beolink Converter daisy-chained in order to be able to both connect the Audio Aux Link from the Beocenter to the ML and add the unit to the ML without laying new cables !!! phew. So how do I make something be a "CD2" ? Any ideas welcome.


    BV10(40) BV8-32, BV3-32, MX7000, DVD1, HDR1, V8000

    Beomedia-1, BS9000, BC7002, BC2300, BS5500, BM6500, BGCD6500, BM1900-2

    BL5, BL8000, BL6000, BL Penta3, BL3500

    Beovox MC120.2, 3000 Panels, CX50s, C75s, AND LOTS WIRES, BOOkS, MAGS n BITS (ebay sales: beo-store-uk)

  • 11-11-2011 5:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Adding a second CD Player to a ML system - HOW

    As an ex-B&O installation/service engineer, I don't think there is any way to do it unless you use a DVD source, such as a DVD1, Avant, BC1, BC2 (maybe a  possibility?) etc. I think you will find some ML conlflicts if you try it!

    Sorry I can't help you further but as I understand it there can only be one audio master on a single link system, except for the circumstances of a Beocenter 2 or Beosound 5, maybe someone on here can prove me wrong?

  • 11-11-2011 5:42 PM In reply to

    • Vienna
    • Top 100 Contributor
    • Joined on 08-15-2008
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    Re: Adding a second CD Player to a ML system - HOW

    Already have BS9000 as an audio master in the living room but I wanted to also add a Beocenter 2300 which is upstairs

    Using a DVD as a 2nd source via the TV-master is an option.

    An alternative solution that will fulfil many, but not all of your wishes, could be:

    BSd 9000 in "A.OPT 0 / 1 / 2" remains the audiomaster for the whole ML system

    Upstairs a BeoLink Active in "L.OPT 4" accesses your main sources (the BSd 9000) via ML

    BC2300 in "A.OPT 1" is connected via a specially configured cable (Sounds Havenly) to the
    "PC" socket of a BeoLink Aktive (as a local source).

    Upstairs, selecting "LINK" from "LIST" and pressing "CD" or "RADIO" will access the BSd 9000 
    whereas selecting "L-PC" will activate the local PC-socket on the BeoLink Active and subsequently
    pressing "CD" or "RADIO" will send the sound from the local BC2300 the Speakers connected to the
    PL-Out of the BeoLink Active 

    Alternatively (if there is no need for remote controlling the BC 2300) you can set the BC 2300 to "A.OPT 0"
    and the BeoLink Active to "L.OPT 5 or 6".
    This avoids the necessity to press "LINK" to control the BSd9000.  


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