Hello Gents
I'm sorry I missed all your valuable posts (it seems my auto notification got switched-off).
Yes, I'm still busy troubleshooting and must admit I'm getting a bit depressed about the situation as more symptoms are manifesting - the arm no longer returns, let alone drag the needle across the record etc. The keypad has all new switches and tests perfectly on all 7 controls out of the turntable etc and so on.
Anyway, I'm now looking at the possibility of non-functioning sensors. Menahem's LED + 1KOhm resistor mod works as the turntable operated perfectly with it. Although I don't suspect any of the sensor devices to be faulty, I must find ways to test to see if they work. The paddle (is that the slotted plate?) and the sensor device below - how would one test this?
I have already removed this device from the turntable and tested for continuity but this must have been an incorrect test. Instead, if my multimeter is set to Ohms and one touches the two leads, there is a resistance reading. If one shields the lamp? from light, the resistance reading changes.
The 3 other similar devices I retrieved from the scrap 4000's behave exactly the same. Can I therefore assume this sensor can be eliminated from troubleshooting?
Next, earlier this evening, I switched off all lighting in my workshop and photographed a LED-like device which appears to be a UV lamp.
The attached pic shows the lamp lights up if start is pressed. Do you think this checks out OK, looking at the attached pic?
The paddle/slotted plate and its mountings have not been disturbed and is tightly clamped to the arm base. However, it is possible that the plate may have been disturbed slighly upwards when I removed the sensor below. I will re-check this now and check its position according to the manual.
The oil there has been cleaned up completely. No longer an issue.
Thankyou once more for your valuable tips and input. I will follow them all until the problem is solved.