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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-25-2007 3:06 PM by Friedmett. 55 replies.
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  • 07-13-2007 5:17 AM In reply to

    Re: The essentials!


    Yes, the Beovox C2300 is a rebadged Beovox C40 sold in the Netherlands for use with exactly the Beomaster 2300.

    I also miss the Beovox 3800 which were a UK only model. Unlike the C2300 this was a unique speaker and not just a rebadged one. They come up from time to time but are too heavy for most people to ship across the water. Besides, I am not really active collecting anymore (- yeah right !). Embarrassed No seriously, I am always looking out for items I never had before - if for nothing else than documenting and to be able to say that I once had one.   Laughing

    We ran a bit off topic here I'm afraid, in that these speakers etc. are not really essential B&O things, they are merely of interest to collectors.


    I have a pair of 3800s - with the rare trumpet stands! Slightly odd bass drive units as mine seem to be fully polypropylene - they are Goodmans though. Completely supplementary to my needs! If you would like them, I am sure my wife would be delighted! Not perfect but not bad!

  • 07-14-2007 11:19 AM In reply to

    Re: The essentials!

    I've just been taking photos.


    The sticker on the back is missing, but the circuit diagram, which shows the six settings, says "BEOMASTER 1000 TYPE 2301/5-2302/5 2303/5-2305/1".


    I don't suppose there's anything inside that would narrow things down any better?


     ps - tried (and tried! and tried!) and failed to attach photos...


  • 07-14-2007 11:22 AM In reply to

    Re: The essentials!

    Good grief! Where did that come from? Didn't preview... Lets try this then...




  • 07-14-2007 11:54 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: The essentials!

    Thanks for the info and photos, it's very interesting.
    Some BM1000's have a label similar to that at the rear found
    inside, often at the vertical divider right under the dial,
    visible by dismounting the top cover
    but I won't ask to you to dismount the Beomaster just for this.
    The numbers, you gave, suggests that this is one of more subversions
    of the earliest types of Beomaster 1000.
    The lettering on the dial, I suppose, could tell a bit more.
    Does it have station names printed and if so danish or international
    or "only" frequency and channel numbers ?


  • 07-14-2007 12:14 PM In reply to

    Re: The essentials!

    Already have the top off, to get at the diagrams - no label inside, just the little number stickers on the boards.

    No station names on the dial, just the frequencies and the numbers. 

    Thanks, Steve 

  • 07-25-2007 3:06 PM In reply to

    Re: The essentials!

    To get back on topic.

     Beogram 8002 or as the tacho disc for the 8000's are aviable both are essential for your record collection in working condition.

    Beocord 9000 still King! No auto reverse but still hard to beat and a class of its own.

    Beovox S45 and M150. A good pair is well worth the time and money.

    Beosystem 2000 Design timeless. Lowpowered and stock X35 speakers but a great system to have.

    The best thing to notice is that nearly all B&O holds their value even if its old.


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