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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-31-2011 7:55 AM by Paul. 6 replies.
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  • 09-09-2011 1:58 PM

    No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers

    I have no sound from my beolab 2500 speakers. They are connected to a beosound 3000 with MK3 powerlink cables. The beosound is working as I can get sound out from the power link socket with a powerlink to RCA adapter. The speakers have got power going to them and were working a few days ago. Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong.

  • 09-10-2011 10:18 AM In reply to

    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers


    Welcome to the forum!

    As we've had a chat about the problem already by email, I will add a few thoughts for the benefit of the other readers out there, in case someone has ideas to offer.....

    You told me that you inherited non-genuine speaker cables with the system, which you replaced with the cables that I sent to you (the correct mk.3 type).  You mentioned in your email that the small led lights on the front of both speakers are not lighting up when the speakers are connected to the mains supply.
    If the lights on the speakers are not coming on, then the problem is not with the cabling or the Beosound 3000, it is with the mains power to the speakers, or the speakers themselves. Each speaker requires its own mains power supply. The light on each speaker should be red when connected to the mains, this light should turn green when the CD player is started.
    I would suggest taking the power cable from the CD player and trying this in each speaker in turn (as you mentioned that the CD player is powering up correctly). The red light on the speaker should come on when power is connected to the speaker. If not, the speakers may be faulty. If both speakers power up using this cable, then the mains cables (or the fuses) used for the speakers may be the cause of the problem.
    You mentioned to me that you had just bought the system online - are you in a position to contact the seller and take this up with them?  Most sellers should be glad to help with any concerns and all of the professional sellers will normally be offering some form of warranty with a system of this value.
    If you need any further help, please ask!
    Kind regards,

    Sounds Heavenly Cables are proud to be a sponsor of the BeoWorld Forum!

  • 09-10-2011 2:50 PM In reply to

    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers

    Hi Steve and thanks,

    So I have now taken the back off the speakers and tested the transformer. This is putting out 27V AC to the circuit board. I have inspected both sides of the circuit board which looks pristine - anything more is beyond me. The LED is not coming on when there is definitely power getting to the circuit board. I can see that the foam that sits behind the speaker cones has 'rotted' which I expect is normal for foam that must be nearly 20 years old.

    I have, of course spoken, to the seller and as I said when he showed them to me at least one of them must have been working because he played a CD for me. The journey home included the the usual hundred pot holes and the suspension on my car is pretty stiff - I guess a component on the circuit board may have been rattled - but both speakers ??

    Any recommendations on a good engineer ?


  • 10-31-2011 2:21 PM In reply to

    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers

    Since the topic stopped, were you able to fix your problem?

    It seems I might have the same problem as you.

    The LED lights are not on at all!



  • 12-31-2011 7:36 AM In reply to

    • Paul
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 10-07-2010
    • The Netherlands
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    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers


    Must be the age then, one of mine 2500 BL's has the same problem. The trafo gives power to the circuit board. I have to check the relay. Does others have the same problem and how did you solve it / point me to the right direction where to look. 


    I am a gold member but unfortunately I did not find the service manual. Can somebody pls PM me one please?  This will help me to solve the problem and I promiss to make a tread here on BW cause it seems other fellow members have the same problem with their beolab 2500

  • 12-31-2011 7:43 AM In reply to

    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers

    Beolab2500 are included in the Service Manual of Beocenter 2300 / 2500 which is on the site.

    Good luck


  • 12-31-2011 7:55 AM In reply to

    • Paul
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 10-07-2010
    • The Netherlands
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    Re: No sound from Beolab 2500 speakers

    Thanks! now I remember that I saw it somewhere

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