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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-05-2011 7:32 PM by lwb250. 2 replies.
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  • 09-05-2011 2:25 PM

    • lwb250
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    Beomaster 1900 Repair

    First of all, this is my first post here, so please be gentle!

    I was given a B&O Beomaster 1900 receiver from an acquaintance as more or less a "garage find". It had a blown main power supply fuse, which I replaced.

    Unfortunately, I am in between residences, and don't have access to a decent bench or my tools, but I've gone so far as to determine that it will power up when the touch pads are touched, but once they are released, it buzzes and goes back into standby mode. I don't have a DIN plug to see if the inputs are working, but I will say that I get nothing out of the FM stage even with a piece of wire hanging out of the 300 ohm input (and I am less than a mile from a huge broadcast "antenna farm", so I should have no problem getting a good signal.)

    In a nutshell, it seems like there is something that is causing the capacitive touch circuit to "lose" it's ability to hold a setting, and I suspect there is some sort of overload or short circuit.

    I know this beast is all original, so I am willing to bet there are some bad caps among other things due to age.

    I do have schematics, which are pretty much useless to me right now since I don't have my meters or any of my test gear.

    I guess my question is are there any list members out there with Beomaster 1900 experience, and if so, are there any know issues with these things that might be related to the problem I have outlined above?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 09-05-2011 4:50 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beomaster 1900 Repair

    Welcome to Beoworld !

    Sounds like the Beomaster is forced into standby by the safety circuit.
    Check the solder joints at the large output stage transistors.


  • 09-05-2011 7:32 PM In reply to

    • lwb250
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    Re: Beomaster 1900 Repair

    Thanks you, Martin.

    I appreciate the suggestion and will take a look at the output transistors.

    I assumed there was some current limiting going on, but thought it might be in the +/- 15VDC power supply.

    I will check this out and report back.


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