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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-22-2011 12:51 PM by Vienna. 18 replies.
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  • 08-12-2011 12:51 PM

    Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    Dear all,

    Apart from BS5 encore missing the masterlink what are the differences between the two systems? What can BS5 with BM5 do, that encore cannot or other way around?

    Thanks for your inputs


    BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 /  Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

  • 08-12-2011 8:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    the Encore has the addition for easy attachments 

    Easy access sockets:
    1 x Mini jack (for Headphone)
    1 x Line-in (for iPod/iPhone or MP3 players)
    1 x USB connection (for temporary USB storage)
    Permanent access:
    1 x Power Link
    1 x Ethernet 10/100Mb
    Wireless (for music server and netradio)
    1 x USB connection (for e.g. permanent USB hard disk)

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 08-12-2011 8:51 PM In reply to

    • Vienna
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    What can BS5 with BM5 do, that encore cannot or other way around?

    see attached pdf

  • 08-12-2011 9:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink



    What can BS5 with BM5 do, that encore cannot or other way around?

    see attached pdf

    good one, thank you

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 08-13-2011 2:27 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    Thanks a lot for this PDF. Do you think that the operational differences can be equaled by software updates?

    Have there been any hardware updates on BS5/BM5 in the past years (apart from disc space)? As I do not have a NAS right now (iMac is always on and connected with beoport and Timecapsule cannot act as Dlna enabled NAS) I think about buying either the BM5 or a NAS with encore once Beonet is available.

    BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 /  Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

  • 08-13-2011 4:31 AM In reply to

    • Vienna
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    Do you think that the operational differences can be equaled by software updates?

    Some purely software dependend differences - ? maybe ? yes ?
    Differences caused by the topology of the network and/or hardware - very likely not.


    Have there been any hardware updates on BS5/BM5 in the past years

    Mainboard has undergone several small revisions to become more stable - HW specs (exept storage capacity)
    remained the same.


  • 08-13-2011 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    Can someone explain me what this is?

    "Has index wheel when handling larger amounts of data in views such as many tracks or stations"

    There is something about B&O.....

  • 08-13-2011 8:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink



    Can someone explain me what this is?

    "Has index wheel when handling larger amounts of data in views such as many tracks or stations"

    Well spotted ! Not part of "present software" ... this is interesting !!

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 08-14-2011 2:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    I understand this like I know it from my telephone control in the Audi. If you spin the wheel slow it goes from one entry to the next. If you turn it quickly it starts jumping from A to B to C and so on.

    If you search for an album starting with H then you turn quickly from A B C D E F G H and then slower through all albums starting with H.

    BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 /  Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

  • 08-23-2011 5:50 PM In reply to

    • KMA
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink



    What can BS5 with BM5 do, that encore cannot or other way around?

    see attached pdf


    Hi Vienna,

    I am considering the purchase of Beosound 5 Encore, but noticed in the PDF that two-way communication is not possible with Beo6 remote.

    Does this mean that Album Cover Art and "What's playing?" information will not be available on Beo6, when used with Encore?

    Sounds strange that a Wifi equipped Encore cannot communicate with Beo6...



    Current setup: BeoVision 10-46 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand) with Apple TV 2 (FireCore), Sony BDP-S780, Mac Mini, BeoLab 11 (silver), Beo5, BeoSound 8 (red speaker covers). Accessories: A8 Earphones, wine bottle coasters.

    B&O product history, in chronological order since 1990, after the onset of the treaded BeoVirus (I tend to upgrade/change my setup "infrequently"): BeoSystem 2500 (with blue speaker covers), BeoLink 5000, BeoSystem 7000 (complete; silver/black), BeoLink 7000, RedLine 60.2, BeoVox Penta, BeoVision MX4000 (black, motorized floor stand), BeoCord VX5000 (black), BeoSystem 4500 (complete), BeoCenter 9500, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoVision Avant (original, 28" AR, VHS, green), BeoCenter 2300, BeoVision 3-32 (grey speaker frame, AR, motorised cabinet), DVD1 (grey), BeoCord V8000 (grey), Beo4, BeoSound Ouverture (w/ floor cabinet stand), BeoVision Avant RF (grey, 32", AR, VHS), BeoSound 9000, BeoCenter AV5 (blue), BeoVision 1 (yellow, motorized floor stand), Beo1, BeoSound Century (yellow), BeoCenter 1 (blue, AR, motorized floor stand), BeoSound 1 (silver, floor stand), BeoVision Avant RF DVD (grey, 32", AR), BeoVision 7-32 MkI (AR, motorized floor stand), BeoLab 3 (black), BeoSound 2, BeoVision 10-40 (grey speaker cover, AR, motorized stand).

  • 08-23-2011 6:54 PM In reply to

    • Vienna
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    Sounds strange that a Wifi equipped Encore cannot communicate with Beo6...

    Unfortunately, at the moment neither a BSd5/BM5 combo nor the BSd5 Encore can communicate
    via Wifi with a Beo6.

    The Beo6 is Wifi equipped, but the Wifi firmware/software for the Beo6 has not yet been released.

    A BSd5/BM5 combo SW 6.03 is already "Wifi Cover Art Ready" -
    I assume that things are a bit more compex with external (NAS) sources, so we'll have to be patient ...   

  • 08-24-2011 6:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    BS5  => up to FLAC 192kHz 24bit

    BR5e => up to FLAC  96kHz 24bit

  • 08-24-2011 7:09 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    It seems B&O really wants to differentiate the both BS5 versions and keep the BM5 selling. Do not think it is a good way to not allow basic functions like two way remote or high quality audio codecs - it is still a quite expensive product.

    Better would be to add some official video playback function to really give additional value or real Internet browsing to YouTube, mobile me, flickr, and other apps... Something that jusities the need for a BM5 computer.

    BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 /  Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

  • 08-24-2011 7:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    It seems B&O really wants to differentiate the both BS5 versions and keep the BM5 selling. Do not think it is a good way to not allow basic functions like two way remote or high quality audio codecs - it is still a quite expensive product.

    Better would be to add some official video playback function to really give additional value or real Internet browsing to YouTube, mobile me, flickr, and other apps... Something that jusities the need for a BM5 computer.

    Agreed !

    I thought the age of pricing by the use of the "golden screwdriver" was long gone ... ... but maybe software patches and firmware upgrades make make that practice more accessible !!!

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 08-24-2011 10:49 AM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    90% of the software my company sells has 100% of the capability, and it is enabled/disabled via license keys.  When a customer buys a new feature, they get a license key that enables it.  Adding the license key takes 5 minutes. They're happy because they didn't have to install anything.  We're happy because we don't have to build and test 10M permutations of possible install scenarios.  Many/most enterprise software vendors do this.


  • 08-24-2011 1:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    It seems B&O really wants to differentiate the both BS5 versions and keep the BM5 selling. Do not think it is a good way to not allow basic functions like two way remote or high quality audio codecs - it is still a quite expensive product.



    Better would be to add some official video playback function to really give additional value or real Internet browsing to YouTube, mobile me, flickr, and other apps... Something that jusities the need for a BM5 computer.

    I completely agree about adding more functionality to the BeoMaster 5! Just about every blu-ray player and tv these days has built-in access to Netflix, Vudu, Hulu, etc. It would be nice to have all of that in a B&O-syle menu and interface. That seems the only way to justify the added cost of a BeoMaster 5.

  • 10-18-2011 3:25 PM In reply to

    • Nio
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    BeoMaster 5 has 2x PowerLink. The BeoSound 5 Encore has only 1 PowerLink.

    Why do you need 2 PowerLink?

  • 10-19-2011 6:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink


    BeoMaster 5 has 2x PowerLink. The BeoSound 5 Encore has only 1 PowerLink.

    Why do you need 2 PowerLink?

    You don't need 2

    You either daisy chain the speakers if they are equipped to relay the powerlink in signal,

    or use a powerlink splitter cable  


    B&O speakers typicallu have a left versus right signal switch so that you tailor the speaker to process the left or the right channel

    which is why the splitter or daisy chain approach works


    I have my single powerlink go to a Beolab 11 which is then daisy chained to a splitter that feeds the two Beolab 3s

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 10-22-2011 12:51 PM In reply to

    • Vienna
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    Re: Beosound5 vs. Beosound5 encore apart from Masterlink

    A further difference between BeoSound/BeoMaster 5 and BeoSound 5 Encore:

    If you are listening to live recordings or eg. opera (when gapless/un-interrupted playback is mandatory)
    different behaviour of BSd/BM 5 and BSd 5 Encore when changing to the next track might be very important:

    While BeoSound & BeoMaster 5 can play (only music in WMA lossless format) gapless/un-interrupted
    a BeoSound 5 Encore is NOT able to play gapless at all !
    (neither from a directly connected USB-HD nor from an external music server/storage)

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