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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 08-09-2011 7:27 AM by beaker. 20 replies.
08-06-2011 2:16 PM

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Well I've just been looking on ebay and I'm a bit shocked at how much these things go for, even non working items
I was fortunate enough to come into posession of these when a neighbour of my girlfriend gave them to us for a car boot sale! I kinda guessed they were valuable but foolishly binned the speakers and cubes
The radio and a beogram 1000 have never worked but I used the amp for several years until the speaker channels started dying, only one working now. (got a horrible feeling I was using the wrong impedance speakers [:'(])
As you can tell I'm abit of a chump when it comes to hifi, and probably don't deserve such beautiful pieces of art, but would like to do something about it. I've got no background in electronics but could someone point me in the right direction of what to look for in case theres an easy fix for these items (suppose I'm kinda hoping its a fuse or something )
If its gonna cost hundreds of pounds to get them fixed, I would probably rather they went to a good home, but if I only get peanuts for them I would rather keep them, even if just to display as non working items, because they are rather stunning.
This brings me to my last option. Tell me if this is madness!! Was thinking of ripping the guts out of the amp, just leaving switches and volume, and replacing with a T class digital amp board! I did a similar project with an old cambridge audio amp recently, and was pretty blown away by the sound quality from a board that only costs £25. Has anyone on here undertaken a similar project with these old cases?

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
chartz:Are you out of your mind???
Don't you dare doing that. Never.
Oh dear! :-)

I kinda knew I would face the wrath of the message board for my suggestion.
But seriously though, if its only any good for spares it could be the only worthwhile way of keeping it alive. I wonder how many other empty cases there are lying about that have been canibalized for parts. At least this way these beautiful cases would see the light of day again!
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
- Posts 1,621

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Dont do anything stupid, we have to save these ikonic pieces, or get them into the hands of people who loves them, where are you situated, maybe we can find some help near you.
Please dont scrap them, maybe someone will be willing to give you another working system in change for yours, or try to sell them here on the forum.
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Søren Mexico:
Dont do anything stupid, we have to save these ikonic pieces, or get them into the hands of people who loves them, where are you situated, maybe we can find some help near you.
Please dont scrap them, maybe someone will be willing to give you another working system in change for yours, or try to sell them here on the forum.
Soren. I live in Cardiff,U.K. If there is anyone local who might be able to get them up and running, that would be great. Much as I like them, I cant really justify spending hundreds on a restoration though. Just to calm everyone down my t class amp idea really is a last resort if its totally unrepairable.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
- Posts 3,252

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
No need for a full restoration.
They could probably be going again by replacing two or three leaky capacitors.

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
No need for a full restoration.
They could probably be going again by replacing two or three leaky capacitors.
Cheers joey, would be great if that was all it was. unfortunately i have no idea what youre talking about
Only joking, but what I'm saying is testing/ replacing capacitors is not something I would be comfortable doing so if anyone can suggest somewhere in south wales/ bristol area i could take it that would be fantastic.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
- Posts 3,252

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
I found this on t'internet.
Radfords Workshop is based in the Bristol shop. It is run by Alan Gardner who has been with the company since 1974. He specialises in repairs to all hi-fi and home cinema equipment except vision products (television, plasma, projectors etc). He is especially skilful with turntables, valve amplifiers and anything that might be described as 'exotic'. He also has an unimaginable number of manuals from pretty much every piece of electronics manufactured since 1974! Though none are for sale!!
Terms of payment: When you bring your equipment into the workshop there is a £20 deposit to be paid. If the repair is expected to cost more than £60 then Alan will contact you with an estimate. If it expected to be less than £60 then Alan will go ahead with the work.
If once you have had your estimate you decide not to get ahead with the work we are happy to give you a credit note for the purchase of new equipment to the value of £20 valid for 3 months.
Repairs usually take between 7 and 10 day working days (although can take much longer if parts are difficult to get hold of).
Guarantee Period: All repairs are guaranteed for 3 months.
Contact Information: Call Alan on 0117 9446 305 or email him at workshop@radfords.co.uk
If you would like an estimate please email workshop@radfords.co.uk with the following information and Alan will contact you with possible costs.
Name Contact Phone Number Type and age of Equipment Fault
I never used them and I don't know if they are any good.
They should be able to get them going if that is all you require.
Your amp transplant idea sounds like the work of the devil!!!!!!

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
No, don't repair it, sell it! Picture first
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
- Posts 1,621

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Now will be a good time to ask Leslie for a trade in option
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
No, don't repair it, sell it! Picture first
hey bang and oulfsen geeks. just got back from pub and took a quick phone pic
out in my workshop covered in plastic bags, but hopefully soon on a pedestal in my front room

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Any interest to sell it or trade, PM me!
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Blimey, must have had a few last night, totally forgot I'd posted that pic!
I found this on t'internet.
Radfords Workshop is based in the Bristol shop. It is run by Alan Gardner who has been with the company since 1974. He specialises in repairs to all hi-fi and home cinema equipment except vision products (television, plasma, projectors etc). He is especially skilful with turntables, valve amplifiers and anything that might be described as 'exotic'. He also has an unimaginable number of manuals from pretty much every piece of electronics manufactured since 1974! Though none are for sale!!
Terms of payment: When you bring your equipment into the workshop there is a £20 deposit to be paid. If the repair is expected to cost more than £60 then Alan will contact you with an estimate. If it expected to be less than £60 then Alan will go ahead with the work.
If once you have had your estimate you decide not to get ahead with the work we are happy to give you a credit note for the purchase of new equipment to the value of £20 valid for 3 months.
Repairs usually take between 7 and 10 day working days (although can take much longer if parts are difficult to get hold of).
Guarantee Period: All repairs are guaranteed for 3 months.
Contact Information: Call Alan on 0117 9446 305 or email him at workshop@radfords.co.uk
If you would like an estimate please email workshop@radfords.co.uk with the following information and Alan will contact you with possible costs.
Name Contact Phone Number Type and age of Equipment Fault
I never used them and I don't know if they are any good.
They should be able to get them going if that is all you require.
Your amp transplant idea sounds like the work of the devil!!!!!!
Missed this reply yesterday. Those guys seem quite reasonable. I start work in Bristol next week, may pay them a visit. Thanks.
If it proves too costly then I'll take the lid off the amp and set about it with a hammer and chisel.

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Just to be clear. The Beolab 5000 and Beomaster 5000 might just be The Holy Grail around here. If you can't justify the cost of fixing them right now, either sell them to someone who will fix them - preferably me, of course - or dear God man, hold on to them until you CAN justify the cost of fixing them.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
- Posts 1,621

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
The traffic in Cardiff UK went nuts this morning, B&O vintage collectors from all over UK went to Cardiff searching for a Beolab 5000 and a Beomaster 5000, between the collectors we could observe people wearing clogs, probably Netherland citizens  
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!
Søren Hammer

- Joined on 01-07-2008
- Esbjerg/Denmark
- Posts 554

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Oh my god, keep that system and get it fixed!
This is a piece of B&O heaven among a couple like Beogram 4000, Beomaster 4400, Beomaster 8000 and Beocord 9000, all TOTL and carrying the same design concept of no-compromise build quality!
Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
They look in good condition. Definitely worth fixing!

- Joined on 02-21-2007
- *Moderator* Leeds, Yorkshire
- Posts 4,045

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Now that the rest of the membership have fooled you into thinking these are of any value (good joke lads) the best thing to do would be to box them up & send them to me
Seriously - even if you cannot afford to have the work done they will still bring a very good price as non-working items on ebay.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

- Joined on 08-05-2011
- Posts 9

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
HAHA! I'm loving this. I'm just picturing a whole community of B&O addicts whincing and cringing at my posts.
I think my plan is to get them working if possible. Radfords workshop is miles from where I work, but may take a trip there one weekend, unless someone can suggest somewhere in south wales. I will have a rethink about their future after someone has had a look at them. If I do decide to sell they should be worth more in working order.
In the meantime I will tease and torment you a little more. Here's another pic for you all to crack one off over

- Joined on 06-14-2007
- Posts 526

Re: Beolab / Beomaster 5000. My dilema
Just don't expect this sort of money.
Someones being hopeful in this listing!
Page 1 of 1 (21 items)