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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-03-2011 3:34 PM by Griebel. 2 replies.
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  • 07-30-2011 4:52 PM

    Super Angry [8o|] DVB-HD module update

    The latest updates of the DVB-HD module should be performed with caution and only if necessary.

    I'm using several DVB-HD modules with BV 7-40 (MKIV) and BV 6-26 with MEDIAGUARD ASTONCRYPT PCMCIA smartcards and the cable operator's card. Everything worked fine until I did several updates of the modules (now, which resulted in the smartcard not being recognized anymore. This is surprising since the ASTONCRYPT smartcard is recommended by B&O for this purpose.

    In short, all my DVB-HD modules are now useless with this smartcard, the only one which is compatible with my cable operator (except the POWER CAM PRO, but it is no longer sold).

    Did anyone have a similar problem after the DVB-HD module upgrade... which is rather a downgrade!
  • 08-02-2011 4:44 PM In reply to

    Re: DVB-HD module update

    I'm just trying to find someone here in Canada that will source and install the HD module in my BV6-26.  I'd like to use a Bluray player with it.  I phoned my local shop and asked how much the module was, and they said they didn't have access to those parts.

    Where did you get the modules?

    Good Luck


  • 08-03-2011 3:34 PM In reply to

    Re: DVB-HD module update

    The HD module was originally included in the BV6-26. I didn't install it afterwards.


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