I live in the UK and have for the last 12 years purchased B&O products,
my last tv was a bv10-40 which l have traded in for the soon to be released
BV7-40 3D verson.
During my discussions with my B&O dealer l learned that because of the new
BV7-40 3D model the price of the old mk5 BV7-40 tv has been reduced by £2,400.00
in a B&O promotion.
Over the last couple of months l have visited this site but l have not seen any reference
to this promotion?
Also the information about this new BV7-40 3D tv from my dealer was not very detailed,
has anyone on this forum have any more details to share with us about the 3D panel,
the BS3 how this will change for 3D pictures and will the new panel be led backlight like
its bigger brother.
thanks, Dudley