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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-03-2012 8:59 AM by koning. 21 replies.
07-23-2011 1:23 PM

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

is the latest beocom 5 Sw version still 2.3
It was when I asked my dealer to upgrade it a couple of weeks ago. Also, the 2.3 update contained almost nothing significant over the previous 2.2 software, so perhaps they've fixed every outstanding issue? Even 2.2 only had a couple of fixes (albeit one being a major fix - the speakerphone issue).

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

is there allready a higher software version?
Good point, I forgot to ask my dealer (they told me the 5 Dec). Mind you, what are the chances B&O met that release date? :)
I'll ask my dealer tomorrow, if I get time.

- Joined on 12-31-2007
- Cheshire, UK
- Posts 323

Currently the latest software for BeoCom5 is 2.30
BeoLine software is 2.10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,670

is there allready a higher software version?
Good point, I forgot to ask my dealer (they told me the 5 Dec). Mind you, what are the chances B&O met that release date? :)
I'll ask my dealer tomorrow, if I get time.
They are still working on the problem handset lost connection with the base.
it's a shame....

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,670

Beocom 5 New software 2.4 available. 
Symptom: Intercom only rings once Loss of base connection Portuguese language - long text is displayed in one row Misspelling in menu - German "umbenennen" Swedish weekday Friday is spelled wrong Prepared for new RF HW (BeoLine 2) |
Solution: Update BeoCom 5 and BeoLine 2 to software version 2.40
Prepared for new RF HW (BeoLine 2) Can anyone tell me what this means

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

koning:Prepared for new RF HW (BeoLine 2) Can anyone tell me what this means
Means that they will change some chips in the Beoline, maybe add some functionnalities, or just make change to some details on the transmission protocol, so the Beocom handset is already ready for the "new" Beoline.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Has this something to do with the well known problem _Loss of base connection_??
Yes, very interesting. I wonder if they realised that software improvements weren't enough to fix that problem....so they are bringing out an improved base? I wonder if we can get it swapped out under warranty?
I was on an important conference call to the US this afternoon and, surprise surprise, the Beocom 5 cut out on the call. Embarassing. Luckily we can blame it on international lines or something, but using Skype is now more reliable than our Beocom 5 landline!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

the Beocom 5 cut out on the call
Was that with the new Sw 2.4?
erm, no! It was only released today? :)
I'm talking about the new Beoline above. A new version with improved RF sounds like they've upgraded the frequency to stop the cut outs.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Sorry to hijack an old thread and start talking about B&O products produced in Denmark, but...
Since the most recent Beocom 5 s/w update, our Beocom 5's are like different phones. Much improved. Sound quality is improved and flawless, crackles have completely been erased, no cut-offs nothing.
Quite frankly, the Beocom 5 is now 10/10 in our eyes.

- Joined on 09-10-2009
- dublin
- Posts 130

how can i check what software my BeoCom 5 has?
to my mind, its a piece of junk...poor sound quality, loss of connection to base etc etc) - the most disappointing B&O equiptment i bought
BeoVision 7-40 MKIV with BeoLab 7-4 Vertical speaker, BeoSound 9000 CD/Tuner, Speakers are a pair of BeoLab 5 in Black with a pair of BeoLab 4000 as rear speakers, and in bedroom BeoCentre 6-26 with BeoLab 8000's. Both the Kitchen and bathroom have Beolab3500's. BeoCom 2 and BeoCom 5 phones. Beo 6 and Beo4 remotes. LATEST ADDITION: Beogram 7000 with MMC2 stylus....

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

to my mind, its a piece of junk...poor sound quality, loss of connection to base etc etc) - the most disappointing B&O equiptment i bought
Not using sw 2.4. Sound quality can't be bettered, the loss of connection (as we've discussed above) was fixed in sw 2.4 and it's much improved.
If you want poor sound quality, buy yourself a BT portable phone!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Loss of connection to the base still happens 
I've not had a single loss of connection since 2.4.
Koning, did you get your Beoline base updated? I took mine to my dealer, along with my Beocom 5's and my Beoline had really old software. Since that was updated (along with the Beocom 5s), I've not had a single lost connection, so far.
Sound quality and everything has improved. But I think this is due to the really old Beoline software which we forget needs updating.
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