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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-19-2011 5:06 AM by bayerische. 27 replies.
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  • 07-19-2011 5:43 AM In reply to


    The problem with the Beo 1 was that it had too few buttons! It made working the TV it was designed for almost impossible! Teletext was a disaster. There is obviously a balance between design simplicity and ergonomics - the Beolink 1000 is a good example of this.

  • 07-19-2011 1:32 PM In reply to

    • Evan
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    I will say that every time I run into audiophiles or my few audiophile friends, I usually end up preaching to them how they should just enjoy their music, and stop fussing! Why do it at all if you are not enjoying the music?

    Initially I bought B&O for its sound/engineering merits. I now consider appearance also, but it isnt my first priority.

    My primary system does have a large amount of beo content, but there are some large non-beo pieces I have integrated.

    I use my BM4500 as a pre-amp only and think it is quite modern even if it is older than me! I use a Beo4 and the simplicity is great.


    Jonathan, I don't think your request is far out of the question. With Tue's mention of entry level products to lure in the young ones, I'm sure the thought is being considered by B&O.



  • 07-20-2011 5:57 AM In reply to


    I've often been tempted and tried a few different turntables out instead of my original TX - the result was as mentioned in previous threads - forever setting it up, making sure that the tracking was correct, and then it skipping due to my wooden floors. In the end this exercise just makes me appreciate my Beogram all the more as it just plays the record, with good sound quality, no distortion and is not affected by walking towards it.

    The same is true with my Avant - loads of my friends have LCD/Plasma things with blue ray and sound processors, huge speakers and hundreds of remote controls. The Avant/DVD1 and Beolab 4000's are much easier to use, integrate and look cool and even now still has people asking if it's High Definition. Friends who stay learn how to use it in minutes which can't be said their systems.

    Beovision Avant 32 RF, DVD1, Beovision 1, MX4002, Beound 3000, Beolab Penta MKII, Beovox Penta, Beolit 707, Beolink Passive, Beovox C30, Beocom 4, Beogram TX, 4 x Beo4, Form 1 & 2, Beocenter 7700, Beovox S65,

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