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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
07-13-2011 8:46 AM

- Joined on 07-13-2011
- Posts 3

Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
I have a pair of S45-2 speakers. The woofer on one broke (the speaker was dropped and the magnet came off). I took out the speaker and the center post moved easily in and out of the coil. At first, I just tried putting the back magnet on by eye-balling it, but the speaker cone would not go in and out smoothly. So then I turned the speaker face down, dropped in the post(so that it would be centered), put on the back magnet, and quickly jerked up the speaker (keeping it level) so that the post would fly up and hit the center of the back magnet. Unfortunately, this didn't work either (a dozen times).
Although not an electronics expert, I have successfully refoamed a set of Advents, JBL 600 series, and even a set of Bose 901's, and used the shims to keep the post centered; however, I don't think going in the front will do any better than what I have already tried. Any suggestions would be appreciated to help give the alignment one more shot.
If not, should I just look online for a replacement speaker, and do you have any suggestions on what I should look for, other than just "a 20 cm woofer". Please keep it very specific, so that I get the right speaker, should I decide to fix this one. It would be a shame to get rid of this set because of one misaligned magnet.
Secondly, I also have a BeoMaster 2400 amp/tuner, but it has not been usable it for many, many years, as the volume starts increasing automatically after the first few levels, and then proceeds to max out until the fuse pops. It will reset, but then you can only play it at the lowest levels, or else it ramps up to max again. First, would this be an easy fix at an electric repair shop? (Like one cap or fuse, etc.) Second, if I find batteries for the remote, would the volume work properly with it? Again, I am sorry to not be able to use the amp, and I can't see investing too much in it at this point; but if a $10 battery would let me operate it again, that would be great news.
Thank you for your help. Ray

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Copenhagen / Denmark
- Posts 5,008

Re: Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
Ray, Welcome to Beoworld !
If you do a search on the forum sections, you will find that you are not the first with a dislocated magnet on a Beovox S45 (or S45-2). It happens in transport too and sometimes even by just moving the speaker due to glue losening. I have been trying to come up with a fix but haven't had much success yet and, at least so far, the only way is to find an original woofer from a donor. No modern replacements will match the original Peerless T/S parameters and it just wouldn't sound right. I may be able to find a good used original woofer, I will have to check. In the mean time, I suggest you fixate the magnet on the woofer in the other cabinet to make it safe for the future. It's shown how to do it in several threads here on Beoworld.
The Beomaster problem could be as simple as a leaking transistor, but it could also need a complete recap (I can supply a capacitor kit for this), it wouldn't be the first. It could also be that a wrong wattage lamp has been fitted in the volume display, the Beomaster 1900/2400 are very sensitive to this (a lamp kit is also available). It's impossible to diagnose precisely and to tell whether the remote will work without measuring a bit inside with a scope or similar.

- Joined on 07-13-2011
- Posts 3

Re: Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
Thanks for the advice. Since the 2400 isn't a common problem with an easy fix, I guess it just may have to be recycled.
Worse is the fact that a reasonably comparable woofer isn't available to plunk in place of the old one. That wastes two good speakers due to a proprietary, non-standard element. That's a shame. Wish it would have worked out better.

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Copenhagen / Denmark
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Re: Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
I have found a good used original woofer and I suggest you give that Beomaster a chance. You cannot buy anything new like it. It's probably a tiny thing. I've seen cases where the vertically mounted resistors on the volume board are actually touching eachother and that can cause the strangest fault, also intermittent ones.
Never throw B&O out. There will always be someone willing to give it a try or at least it will be worth something, even if only for parts.

- Joined on 07-13-2011
- Posts 3

Re: Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
Thanks for the further advice. I don't have time to play with it at this point in my life, but maybe I'll keep the 2400 in storage for a few more years and decide what to do with it later, after I retire, along with many other projects (hopefully in about 7 years). Reading the forum, it would also need a light kit, as several are out, but that too would be decided years from now.
However, I might be interested in the woofer, but it may be several months before I could get around to it. How much would that be? I live in Little Rock, Arkansas USA (72212)
Also, would I be able to cut off the plugs and just use the speakers with another stereo unit (and have it sound OK)?
Thanks, Ray
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
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Re: Repair or replace S45-2 Woofer and fix BeoMaster 2400 auto volume increase problem
rfhodges:Also, would I be able to cut off the plugs and just use the speakers with another stereo unit (and have it sound OK)?
No problem, but cut the plugs with enough wire to reconnect later, RCA plugs or naked wire conection is OK, just remember the the spade on the DIN plug is ground/negative.
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!
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