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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-03-2011 5:50 PM by beobor1. 5 replies.
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  • 06-02-2011 10:02 AM

    XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch


    Has anybody created an XML for direct control of a Squeezebox Touch?

    Many thanks

  • 06-02-2011 3:52 PM In reply to

    Re: XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch

    I do not have and have not previously made an XML file for a Squeezebox Touch, but I can see HERE on the Logitech site that it uses a 32 bit NEC protocol IR string and I note that they use a device unit code of HEX 6E and helpfully they also provide it inverted for the second part of the address. The Beo5/06 is very good indeed in reproducing the NEC protocol.

    So, as an example to send the code for HOME command would be a device code of 6E91 and command of 44BB which in a binary string as sent by the remote would be:-

    0110 1110 1001 0001   0100 0100 1011 1011

    Because the NEC protocol uses "Pulse Distance Modulation" an extra "1" bit must be added to the end of the binary string


    Regards Keith....

  • 06-03-2011 5:47 AM In reply to

    Re: XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch

    Thanks Keith,

    I've made a binary string for the "play" command (using/changing apple tv xml) , loaded as accessory in the config tool (and beo6). I'm doing something wrong.

    Command for "Play" is 08F7 is in binary 0000 1000 1111 0111

    <source_subItem stName="PLAY" stCaption="PLAY" stMenuCaption="PLAY" stScreenType="0" stIR="NEC:GlobalManual=1#IRSEQUENCE=NEC#BITS=011011101001000100001000111101111#ALTBIT=#MARKFLANK=560#SPACEFLANK=560#SPACE2FLANK=1680#PRESIGNALHI=9000#PRESIGNALLO=4500#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=0#Comment=NEC 32bits+Delay: 50ms+NEC:GlobalManual=1#IRSEQUENCE=NEC#BITS=1#ALTBIT=1#MARKFLANK=560#SPACEFLANK=560#SPACE2FLANK=0#PRESIGNALHI=9000#PRESIGNALLO=2250#Pause1=30000#Pause2=30000#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=1#Comment=NEC 1 bit" stLeave="Rel 1" stIRVideoOp1="1" stIRVideoOp2="1" stIRVideoOp4="1" stIRVideoOp5="1" stIRVideoOp6="1" stIRAudioOp1="1" stIRAudioOp2="1" stIRAudioOp4="1" stIRAudioOp5="1" stIRAudioOp6="1" stIRVideoOp2Av="1" stIRVideoOp4Av="1" stIRVideoOp6Av="1" nPage="1" nX="426" nY="45" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="2" nColumnFinal="2" nHidden="1" />

    On the link you pointed there's also SRH: Special repeat header (timing: 9ms mark, 2.2ms space, 0.6ms mark, 96ms space.

    Where to put this?

  • 06-03-2011 12:33 PM In reply to

    Re: XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch


    On the link you pointed there's also SRH: Special repeat header (timing: 9ms mark, 2.2ms space, 0.6ms mark, 96ms space.

    Where to put this?

    Using the firmware generated NEC code as you have done, then you need to know about a flaw (software bug) in the repeat code section which means it does NOT conform to the NEC spec. This means about 40% of products which use the NEC protocol will not work correctly, but I have produced a workaround for the problem which works 100%.

    When you press a button it sends a code with the standard start bit of a pulse of 9 milli seconds and a pause (space) of 4.5 milli seconds. If you hold the button it does NOT send the command again, but sends a start bit of 9 milli seconds followed by 2.25 milli second pause then one (1) data bit. The problem is that the Beo5 sends a standard pause of 4.5 milli seconds so the receiver thinks its the start of a new command when it is not. See the diagram below to fully understand the situation.


    Having said all that when it comes to volume up and down you don't want a repeat signal at all, you want one seperate signal per click as you turn the remote wheel and that's the next problem to overcome because it still does a repeat signal when you don't want it.

    Regards Keith....

  • 06-03-2011 12:38 PM In reply to

    Re: XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch

    I have created an XML file for you based on the Logitech information which you can download from HERE

    I have added all the commands stated for the "Touch" and all commands not in the screen are assigned to hardkeys.

    Please review the file and test it and let me know how you get on.

    Regards Keith....

  • 06-03-2011 5:50 PM In reply to

    Re: XML for Logitech Squeezebox Touch

    Hello Keith,

    Thanks a lot, this is really great!!! The keys all work.


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