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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-20-2011 10:38 AM by Ferdinand. 34 replies.
01-31-2011 3:23 PM

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

In afwachting van mijn nieuwe TV probeer ik te begrijpen hoe Apple TV precies werkt, wellicht wil ik dit namelijk aanschaffen en aan (laten) sluiten. Momenteel woon ik in Zweden en zo nu en dan wil ik (of mijn vrouw) internet tv kijken, bijvoorbeeld via 'uitzending gemist'
Begrijp ik het goed dat de Apple TV zorgt voor een koppeling tussen mijn iMac en TV?
Kan ik Apple TV en daarmee uitzending gemist bedienen via de TV?
Ik ben benieuwd naar jullie ervaringen !
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 05-09-2007
- Posts 866

Apple TV is wel mogelijk, maar die moet dan wel gehackt worden. (ATVflash) En dan nog, moet je het een en ander installeren. Alleen te doen als je beetje handig bent in dit soort dingen.
Maar waarom een Apple TV, als je een iMac tot je beschikking hebt?
Beter installeer je Plex op je iMac, en koppel je die aan je tv. Met Plex installeer je vrij makkelijk allerlei plug-ins, zoals uitzendig gemist, RTL-gemist, SBS-gemist en nog veel meer. Plex kun je dan verder bedienen met je iPhone, iPad of AppleRemote. Of met de beo4/5/6, mits je puc-lijst is geupdate. Verwacht echter niet teveel van de kwaliteit, maar het is wel te volgen. Ik heb het zelf draaien op een MacMini, dus voor een iMac moet dit zeker geen problemen geven, lijkt me.

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Bedankt doubleU,
Dus evt. met plex en de iMac gekoppeld aan de tv zou een oplossing zijn?
Hoe verbind ik dan de iMac met de B&O ... dat zou best wel eens een lange kabel kunnen worden ??
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 05-09-2007
- Posts 866

Hoe lang dan? Tot een meter of 10 hdmi werkt het wel probleemloos. Als het langer is, moet het al gauw een kwalitatief (duurdere) kabel worden. Of je moet met zo'n "hdmi extender over 2x cat5" kabel werken. Geen ervaring mee trouwens.
Er is echter nog een hindernis. Hoe oud is je iMac? Laatste model, vanaf april 2010, gaat probleemloos. Bij de oudere modellen ga je het geluid missen, of je moet weer met convertors gaan werken.
Misschien dat er nog een andere mediaspelertjes zijn die dit kunnen. Maar het is niet gegarandeerd dat het op langere termijn blijft werken is mijn ervaring. Ideaal is natuurlijk wel dat de speler wat dichter bij de TV staat.

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Mijn BV10 is inmiddels geleverd maar ik heb nog geen keuze gemaakt hoe ik internet (en daarmee uitzending gemist e.d.) op de tv krijg.
Zojuist bij vrienden op bezoek geweesten ik was perplex van het gemak en de kwaliteit van het tv-kijken via internet. Aan de tv (LG 50") zat een laptop (weggefrommeld in een la) gekoppeld via HDMI, pc werd bestuurd met een universel logitech mini-toetsenbordje en voila ... alles tip top. Geen blu-ray beeld-kwaliteit maar dat hoef ik ook niet. Harde schijf was 500GB en aan het material te zien wat opgeslagen was is dit voor mij ruim voldoende.
Dus, wat nu te doen? Ik heb een iMac en een BV10 .. wat is nu een slimme zet?
* extra computer kopen? Windows of Mac en die aansluiten op de TV
* iMac aansluiten op BV10? kunnen beide dan nog los van elkaar gebruikt worden. Niet dat als ik ga internetten het tv programma wordt onderbroken oid. Suggestie voor plex klinkt ok, maar dan zit ik wel met de afstand tussen de iMac en TV
edit: iMac is 2009 model en heeft geen HDMI, dan is een extra geluidskabel nodig naast DVI-->HDMI kabel, geen optie dus.
kan evt. apple TV de bestanden en toegang tot internet (via iMac) via HDMI naar de BV10 zetten?
* ik begrijp dat B&O remote (Beo4) e.e.a. kan bedienen, maar een toetsenbord is ook wel handig? Als dit het toetsenbord zou zijn van mijn huidige iMac dan is het beter om een draadloze versie te kopen?
De reden dat ik deze vragen (weer) stel is omdat ik de set-up zoals hierboven (tv-laptop-a.b.) beschreven perfect vind, maar iets mij tegenhoudt om een 2e pc alleen voor de tv te kopen.
Bedankt alvast
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

I use both approaches.
1// MacMini = HDMI = BV8-32 controlled by Beo4 with PUC
(use Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mouse to start recoding missed TV shows with aerial = Elgato Hybrid = MacMini)
2// Apple TV (2nd generation) = HDMI = BV8-32 controlled by iPad wirelessly or Macbook wirelessly
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Hi Elephant,
Please ignore my lack of knowledge here. Am I correct to understand that the apple TV is not a computer it self and thus needs to be linked to a computer (iMac, Macmini) to function as one? This is still a bit unclear, despite all comment and tips and tricks.
If Apple TV would be the solution to link the tv (wireless) to my iMac which would have the my fils and acces to www, than this would be perfect.
Wirelesskeyboard or iPad in that matter can control the appleTV (which is linked to the iMac)? In my thinking I would turn on the TV/AppleTV e.g. with button XYZ on the Beo4, the screen that I will see is computer desktop and with keybord I will navigate to www.
Reason for asking possibly more of the same is that I have the feeling that apple tv is the answer to my needs, and also it is a bit more pricefriendly than a 2nd Mac computer. And again, it will be primarly used to watch internet content on broadcasting-websites. I am not yet in need for an Xterabyte-server to put movies on.
Thanks !
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Hi Ferdinand - I knew you understood English and so I hoped you would not mind my response.
I have (so far) made a slide to explain the ATV's connections and usage.
I have show the cables that connect to the ATV (except for the optional optical audio) - as you can see the connection to your home network (blue) can be wireless or normal LAN cabling (I use both ... I think ).
The red lines indicate the infrared signal and how the Beo4's commands are translated inside the BeoVision from B&O format to Apple format and then sent along the PUC cable (which you stick onto the front of the ATV). You can also keep the Apple remote and use that, but it is really optional and we never use ours 
The black line shows the HDMI connection which carries the 720p video and audio signal.
Please note that I only use stereo audio even for movies -- I think if you want surround sound you will find things get complicated.
Using this picture, I will in my next post explain how you use the Beo4 to control the ATV's menus on the BeoVision to access media sources via the ATV.
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Using (this) the above picture, I will in my next post explain how you use the Beo4 to control the ATV's menus on the BeoVision to access media sources via the ATV.
When you press the Beo4 source for where you have assigned the ATV (I use [DVD]) you will see the ATV's main menu (picture below)
If you select the sub-menus of "Movies" you can examine movie descriptions and trailers and rent a movie
In this operation you are using the ATV to access the internet (via wire or wireless) to access Apple's (and only Apple's) movie store
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

elephant:When you press the Beo4 source for where you have assigned the ATV (I use [DVD]) you will see the ATV's main menu (picture above) ...
... and then you can [>] right to expose Apple's "internet" menu and get access to a LIMITED range of internet services:
- YouTube
- Internet Podcasts (from Apple I guess)
- Internet Radio list (from Apple I guess)
- Flickr
- mobileme (if you have an account, presumably this will change with Apple's iCloud announcement on 6 June)
- and some US sports such as Baseball and paid US-only content services
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

elephant:When you press the Beo4 source for where you have assigned the ATV (I use [DVD]) you will see the ATV's main menu (picture above) ...
... and then you can [>] right to expose Apple's "internet" menu and get access to a LIMITED range of internet services ...
and when you press [>] again you get to access the multimedia services of Apple computers in your home network, and this is when things get more exciting !
Now you can access:
- your iTunes Music Library / libraries
- your Music Videos in the above libraries
- your iPhoto Library
- your iTunes TV shows and Movies purchased from Apple
- your iTunes Podcasts
- your iTunes University files (if you have any, I have lecturers on music appreciation, tec)
- AND any supported media you have imported into iTunes
The other exciting thing is that if you have devices like iPod Touches, iPads, iPhones that support Airplay, then you can select a source on your iDevice and broadcast it wirelessly to the ATV and have the source (video or photo or audio) play on the BeoVision
AND if you have friends visiting and they have brought their iDevices, then they can (with permission) broadcast their content to your BeoVision 
Now I fully expect that on our Tuesday we will see Steve Jobs have demonstrated at the WWDC in San Francisco a whole new range of capabilities from Apple MacBooks running LION (but I could be wrong) and from iOS5 (in beta) for the latest iDevices, and the iCloud
I hope this will include some form of game playing onto the ATV !!!
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Hi Ferdinand - I knew you understood English and so I hoped you would not mind my response.
I have (so far) made a slide to explain the ATV's connections and usage.
Now I have created the far more complicated diagram for the MacMini set-up.
You will see in this diagram that we have a similar set of connections that we had with the ATV.
But we also now have a DVD slot to use and the powerful addition of the USB cables which gives us options of:
- attaching additional storage: I use a MAXTOR external drive, this is where my TV recordings, my Handbreak rips of my DVDs, and my downloads of Apple video podcasts, movies and TV series are stored
- attaching an optional BeoPort to bridge the MacMini audio to your BeoLink network (if you have one)
- attaching an Elgato device (such as my Hybrid) to capture TV transmissions - either free-to-air (aerial) or cable (composite or S-Video) cabling
I will explain in the following posts how all this operates with a range of software.
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

elephant:I will explain in the following posts how all this operates with a range of software.
Actually now that I think about it I am not sure I can explain it 
The reason is that once we enter the world of optional software the potential and options multiply !!
Here is what I use to run this configuration:
- Philippe's LinkPlayer which allows me to deliver NetMusic and NetRadio to the BeoVision from my iTunes (and to my other BeoLink systems)
- Philippe's LinkPlayer which allows me to access and control my audio and video iTunes and iPhoto libraries
- And through different options via a very B&O looking menu to do the following:
- launch and control PLEX to access my videos stored and catalogued on my MAXTOR drive
- launch and control Apple's FrontRow (a baby version of the ATV interface) to play your DVD and also to gain access to your iTunes (Movies, TV shows, Music, Podcasts) as well as the iTunes store for the Top 10 previews of Movies, TV Shows, Music and Music Videos (kind of limited since you can't purchase anything) and Trailers and your iPhoto library .... however Apple is retiring FrontRow from their next release of Mac OSX (called LION)
- launch and (sort of ) control Elgato's EyeTV software for playing recordings that have been captured via the Elgato Hybrid device
- launch and control Boxee (I don't use this ... I did not like the Boxee software, and of course since then they have launched their own hardware)
- launch and (sort of) control the Safari webkit to allow simple (primitive) browsing of your favourite web bookmarks in read-only mode
I use my iPad to control the Music playing because by using an App called "Remote" I can search my library and also trigger iTunes genius playing.
I do not make much use of Philippe's LinkPlayer App since it is a little fragile.
As you may know, Philippe (PhilLondon) is completely rewriting LinkPlayer so it might be better to wait and see what he has in store for us 
You can also launch FrontRow without LinkPlayer but as I said Apple are retiring FrontRow.
I use the Apple bluetooth keyboard and mouse to set-up the schedule for recording TV shows in EyeTV.
My sons bypass all of the above and simply use the MacMini's desktop on the BeoVision with the Apple bluetooth keyboard and mouse to play their movies from portable USB drives or USB sticks or across the network from their desktops/laptops . . . . .
And my wife complains that all of the above is so complicated (because I keep changing the options) that she uses it less and less.
From the above multi-media collection (MacMini + Maxtor) I can use my iPad as a portable DVD player, Music Player, and TV receiver ... but that is another story and a post for another time.
Please feel free to ask any questions !
As you can see I love talking about this stuff 
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. Very 'peter-pannish' I must say with the drawings and flow-charts. And i love to read that there are more people with stereo sound only. I must admit that I was not really following on the last post, but as you said yourself it's hard to explain all usage variances. Anyhow, your answer made clear to me that ATV is not the product I need as I will not be using any of the offered (mostly limited) content. I like the idea of hooking up a MacMini to the TV b´ut I will need to think about (read save for) it 
Alo I need to justify that the TV will be having a new(er) computer than I have myself, all for the sake of watching TV via the internet via broadcasts websites (as an example for you, iview (ABC, Australia)). But than again, I am living in Sweden now and the programs offred are just horrible and the programs that are nice to watch are for some reason always aired at 02.00hrs (at night) on a wednesday. On top of that it would be nice to see some Dutch tv as well (i am Dutch).
I will not run to Apple store tomorow to buy a nex MacMini but I do have a practical / technical question: Wireless keyboard and mouse will only react to the Mac Mini and not to my iMac in the same room? I guess it is paired to one computer only, correct?
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Ferdinand:I will not run to Apple store tomorow to buy a nex MacMini but I do have a practical / technical question: Wireless keyboard and mouse will only react to the Mac Mini and not to my iMac in the same room? I guess it is paired to one computer only, correct?
Yes, you pair them.
Don't know if they can be paired with an iMac . . . .
Yesterday I rented over my Apple TV my first movie :)
It had a double bonus of having B&O equipment in several of the scenes 
For access to different foreign stations I can use PLEX
Good luck with your savings ... and remember that you can use the BeoPort with your iMac to access Music ... I am thinking of buying an Apple cinema screen and just making my MacMini a media server !
PS PLEX has an app for Dutch TV :)
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-09-2007
- Posts 866

I think these are the plugins, Ferdinand is looking for. Well, some of them. Picture is generated with MacMini/Plex.
Another solution which fits Ferdinand needs, could be a Boxee. This player is in the PUC-list and cheap. I have no experience with it, but it looks good.
Nice explanation with the drawings, Elephant. 

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

DoubleU:Nice explanation with the drawings, Elephant. 
Thank You U-U 
(sorry I could not resist that !)
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Ik bedoel hallo iedereen,
In de iCreate staat een heel uitgebreid stuk incl usa iTunes account opties voor optimale functie mogelijkheden van de Atv. Nu overweeg ik ook een Atv of Mac mini te gaan gebruiken maar ben benieuwd hoe jullie je Atv hebben ingedeeld aangezien elephant zijn video wall er geweldig uitziet!
Mijn vraag is waar halen jullie je films vandaan, hoe zet je deze naar Apple format en kun je ook aangeven met welke programma's jullie daarvoor gebruiken?
>Alvast dank, Gr. Sander
xsanderr: From Google Translation:
I mean hello everyone, The iCreate is a very comprehensive piece incl iTunes USA account options for optimal functionality of the Atv. Now I am considering a Mac mini or ATV to use but you wonder how you have classified as elephant Atv his video wall looks great! My question is where do you get your movies from, how do you set it to Apple's format and you can also specify which programs you use for this? > Thanks in advance, Gr. Sander
I get my movies from:
- iTunes - I have rented movies and bought TV shows
- DVDs - I use a program called HandBrake to convert a DVD onto my hard drive
- Broadcast TV including FOXTEL - I use an Elgato Hybrid and EyeTV to capture video recordings
- Downloads - for obscure foreign movies I can not buy here I have use downloads, e.g. "Keinohrhasen" and "Nodame Cantabile"
From Google Translation:
Ik krijg mijn films uit:
- iTunes - Ik heb gehuurde films en kocht tv-programma's
- DVD's - Ik gebruik een programma genaamd HandBrake om een DVD te zetten op mijn harde schijf
- Tv-uitzendingen inclusief Foxtel - Ik gebruik een Elgato EyeTV Hybrid en om video-opnames vast te leggen
- Downloads - voor obscure buitenlandse films die ik kan hier niet kopen ik hebgebruik downloads, bijvoorbeeld "Keinohrhasen" en "Nodame Cantabile"
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Local consumer electronics shop (chain) in Sweden (OnOff) went bankrupt.
Everything was 30% discounted including one (1) Mac Mini that I have picked up.Appereantly nobody knew what it was for because all iMacs, Macbooks and iPads were gone on 10 seconds.
I am now a bit in doubt to buy either extra keyboard and mouse or to buy an iPad (which is already longer on my wish list) and to use that as remote for the Mac Mini.
The B&O guy is coming to my house anyway to fix some issues with the PUC code, so soon all will be installed :o)
Dutch: MacMini is aangeschaft met korting ivm faillissement. Binnenkort wordt e.e.a. geinstalleerd.
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Ferdinand:Everything was 30% discounted including one (1) Mac Mini that I have picked up.Appereantly nobody knew what it was
Well done !
Ferdinand:I am now a bit in doubt to buy either extra keyboard and mouse or to buy an iPad (which is already longer on my wish list) and to use that as remote for the Mac Mini.
Sorry, but in my experience you will need a keyboard and mouse about once a week, unless (unlike me!) you have the strength to leave it alone and stop fiddling (my wife wishes I would stop messing around with ours).
It does not have to be an Apple keyboard/mouse, so if you already have a bluetooth one you can test with that and see if you can accomplish the installation. Alternatively I will happily fly over to help you ... but you could buy a box of iPads for the cost of the flight :-(
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Not sure if I understand you well enough. iPad would not be favourable as a keyboard / remote for safari or FF on the Mac Mini to navigate to broadcastingwebsites? How stupid it may sound but this is my main purpose with the Mac Mini as is now, to get internet on my TV (my BR Samsung also has Internet Access but only works with specific apps).
I was hoping (?) that the iPad could give a keyboard and mouse (scroll) remote thinghy to the Mac Mini.A keyboard and mouse laying around on the livingroom table would seem a bit too much although Logitech (!) has a real nice and tiny one.
What's your thought?
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

I use the iPad App called remote to control my music; the iPad virtual keyboard is good enough for typing in searches (e.g. and artist like "Neil" for Neil Diamond and Neil Young etc).
But for scheduling my EyeTV Elgato Hybrid recordings of DTV (FreeView) or V.AUX (FoxTel) I usually prefer to use this keyboard http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC184LL/B?mco=MTM3NTAzMTk
Yes, having that keyboard on our side table is a bit of clutter but we are not stressed by it, after all my Fabric Selector has her pin cushion, pins & needles, threads, and scissors there as well !
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

- Joined on 05-04-2008
- Malmö, Sweden
- Posts 159

Hi Elephant and others,
'could not wait for the B&O technician to come and help me so I started myself to connect the Mac Mini with my BV10
It went surprisingly well, connected via HDMI and I have added PC in the Beo4 so I can go to PC via the list option.
Few adjustments still to be made, being:
- no sound from the Mac Mini on the BV10. Why is this and how to resolve?
- when IR eye is installed the B&O guy should be able to assign a button on the Beo4 for PC, correct? Eg. DTV?
I'll now will fiddle around a bit more and will try the suggested keyboard option on the iPad. Now I have to switch the keyboard from the Mac Mini to iMac. Yep, a ''serious'' problem 
BS9000, Beolab 3000, Beocenter 7002, RL60.2, beo4, BV10

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 2,215

Cool & Congratulations !
For "no sound" please check your MacMini's System Preferences for Sound icon and Output tab and make sure that the output is NOT associated with the mini-jacl port but rather with the BV10 and its HDMI port (sorry I can't show you that since I don't have a BV10)
First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*