Building any XML file without a software tool will be time consuming, but clearly can be done using any text editor.
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is a standard flat text file which is designed to transport and store data. All XML files must start with a Root parent and everything below the root will be defined by the application.
The following is a one command basic example with IR pulses using RAW meaning the Pulses and Pauses (Mark & Space) of the IR signal in micro seconds are defined in Hexadecimal (Value to the power of 16)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root stVersion="1.3">
<image stName="NonBO" stFile="Images\NonBO.bmp" />
<product stName="Tillquist" stCaption="Tillquist" stImage="NonBO" stProductType="accessories3Party" stAV="AV1" stAV1OUT="SCART" stScreenType="1">
<source_item stName="Tillquist" stCaption="Tillquist" stShortPressCommand="Tillquist" stScreenType="0" stMenuCaption="Tillquist" stSourceType="accessories3Party" stIR="" nPreferedRow="4" nPriority="1" nPreferedColumn="1" nPage="1" nX="0" nY="95" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="4" nColumnFinal="0">
<source_subItem stName="UP" stCaption="UP" stMenuCaption="UP" stScreenType="0" stIR="RAW:GlobalManual=1#ListOfFlanks=$0239,$01B5,$0236,$01B6,$0238,$01B6,$0237,$01B5,$0237,$01B6,$0237,$01B5,$0237,$01B5,$0237,$01B6,$0237,$01B5,$0237,$01B3,$0236,$446C,$00E7,$1CA0,$00FD,$1CA6,$00FD,$1CA7,$00E7,$12F0,$00E5,$1CCA,$00CA,$130E,$00CB,$130E,$00C9,$130E,$00CB,$130E,$00CA,$130E,$00C8,$1CC6,$00CC,$62F6#IRSEQUENCE=RAW#Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList:46 Flanks" stLeave="Rel 1" nPage="1" nX="0" nY="20" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="1" nColumnFinal="0" stTextColor="255:255:255" nHidden="0" />
So, in my example we have a 3rd party product called Tillquest with the "UP" command being defined.
So, if we focus on the command itself it takes the form of:-
<source_subItem stName="UP" stCaption="UP" stMenuCaption="UP"
then we have the actual pulses in Hex in quotes after "stIR"
stIR="RAW:GlobalManual=1#ListOfFlanks=$0239,$01B5,7,$01B6,$0237,$00E7,$0CC6,$00CC,etc etc...#IRSEQUENCE=RAW
The Carrier frequency and maxmium pulse string length follows still within the stIR quotes
Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList:46 Flanks"
What follows defines where on the screen the button is to be positioned and its colour if defined, it also shows its not hidden
nPage="1" nX="0" nY="20" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="1" nColumnFinal="0" stTextColor="255:255:255" nHidden="0"
As you can see it is possible to create and/or edit your own XML file with any text editor and if you were planning to do this the quickest way would be to edit an existing XML file.
You then ask, but I have captured the IR codes from the original, how do I convert it to the correct form to put into the XML file, well that depends on how you captured the IR codes. If you captured it with a Lintronics box you can either use the Lintronic software or the Beoworld XML Generator which is downloadable from the Beoworld web site.