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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-18-2012 1:08 AM by Gary96. 5 replies.
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  • 01-20-2011 1:13 AM

    • Gary96
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    Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    I just picked a nice Beomaster 1600. I love its modern look, especially considering its from the 70's! It looks right at home sitting next to my IPOD dock, which I have connected to the Phono inputs. 

    The only issue with this unit is that the track (I love that mechanism) does not always engage when adjusting the volume. The same track works great for the Balance, Bass and Treble. However, on the volume, it is intermittent, which is OK, but I'd rather fix it.

    Is there a service manual for this unit? Has anyone out there managed to repair this?

    Any advice would be great. I have yet to open the unit up since I like to have a clue before I start tinkering.



  • 01-20-2011 4:22 AM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    For a start you want to remove your IPOD from the phono input as this is designed for a magnetic pickup and will distort to the point where damage could result with anything else!

    Try the tape input instead. Also you haven't mentioned which 1600 you have, shelf unit or desk unit?


  • 01-20-2011 5:11 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    Welcome to Beoworld !

    The Beomaster 1600 and 1700 tractor belts work through a set of rubber clutch washers
    that wears down. They start to slip when friction is lost. The volume control is usually the first one
    to lose friction since it sees most use and is coupled in at all times (while not adjusting other settings).
    The service manual will not tell you how to replace the washers since the sound module
    was available only as a complete assy but it can be done.
    Not easy but possible.
    B&O can no longer supply new rubber washers but they are available as brand new reproduction.

    And I agree on the use of the Tape input. The Phono input is at a wrong level.


  • 01-20-2011 10:00 PM In reply to

    • Gary96
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    Re: Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    Thanks for posting your responses.

    I am not sure whether if this is the desk or bookshelf variety of Beomaster 1600, but seems like a desk, since it is quite flat and looks like it wants to be seen.

    My mistake on the phono input. I actually had the IPOD into the tape input as it turns out (lucky, I guess). Good to know though since I do also have the Beodeck 1900 that I might make use of in the future.

    Thanks for the tip on the rubber clutch washers. Who would I contact about the reproduction parts? Also, what is the chance that I could simply switch a balance for a volume washer (assuming that's possible)? That seems a simple fix since I have no need to change the balance.

    I guess I need to open this unit up and take a look at what makes it work. Sounds like the clutches are not very accessible though.

    By any chance does anyone have any photos of the internal workings of the clutch system? I recently repaired my new (old) Beogram 4002 Turntable and the online photo's were a huge help.



  • 01-23-2011 2:52 AM In reply to

    • Gary96
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    Re: Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    Beomaster 1600

    This is a description of repairs I made to my Beomaster 1600. It is apparently very similar to the 1700, but is FM only. Mine has aluminum front plates that make it look identical to the 1700.

    I am not a stereo technician, nor a B&O specialist. However, since there seems to be so little available online about this, I thought I would document my experience since it may benefit someone else out there. I recently benefitted from someone else documenting a Beogram 4002 repair.  I make no promises that this will work for you, or was the right thing to do. It is seemed to help my unit, however.

     The Problem: When adjusting the volume with the left ribbed track belt, the track would only engage intermittently. This made it hard to adjust the volume. It would get stuck at one level. Sometimes it would only go up. Other times only down. Other tuning for Balance, Bass and Treble worked fine.

    The Repair:  I opened the unit. There are three screws under the front face. The top hinges up and there is a stand, like a car hood. The track drives a belt for each of the tuning options.  On observation, the track itself was slipping now and then, but not most of the time.

    The bigger problem seemed to be that the volume belt was not turning when the tuning track turned. It was slipping for some reason.

    I noticed that at the lower end of the volume belt, there appeared to be a plastic piece that held each belt and that this was secured by a screw with a slot in the plastic holder. I assumed that this was to adjust the belt tension. I used this to tighten the belt. On the first try, this seemed to make the problem worse. I then released a little tension.  This seemed to improve the function.

    Next I lubricated the Track rollers. It rotated much better then. This seemed to help too.

    I then cleaned some of the dust from the inside of the cabinet and the tracks. It is much easier to clean the tracks with the unit open. 

    It is not perfect, but it is much better now. If you have a similar problem, I hope this works for you.

  • 02-18-2012 1:08 AM In reply to

    • Gary96
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    Re: Beomaster 1600 Maintenance

    You were kind enough to provide advice on the problem I was having with my Beomaster 1600 previously. It has to do with the slipping clutch. Two questions:

    1. Where can I get reproduction washers?

    2. How to install them?

    The unit is too nice to not have working. Any advise would be appreciated.



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