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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-10-2011 8:34 AM by Thomas. 0 replies.
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  • 01-10-2011 8:34 AM

    • Thomas
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 12-15-2010
    • England
    • Posts 12
    • Bronze Member

    Gift [G] Open, online photo gallery for showcasing beautiful gadgets

    Hi Guys, 

    As some of you may know I'm a fairly big gadget enthusiast. B&O stuff from the 90s is my biggest weakness! I run the gadget review blog fancythings which some of you have contributed to, for which I am extremely greatful!

    I have just set up a Facebook page (slightly related to the blog), which I've opened up for others to be able to share their own photos of their gadgets.

    I have envisaged a single place for people to share their beautiful/unusual gadgets, so others can be inspired to invest in (or at least enquire about) these rather than going for the commercial alternatives which are heavily pushed by the mainstream media incl. technology blogs.

    I think it could be a really exciting/inspiring place for enthusiasts and would be delighted if some of your would care to get involved!

    You will be able to upload photos, comment on other people's photos etc.. though I won't be opening a discussion forum as I wouldn't want to tread on BeoWorld's toes.. this forum is a fantastic resource and wouldn't want to "shake the boat"

    Please stop by, even if it is just to "Like" the page, or post a comment against one of the existing photos.

    Click here to visit the Facebook Page...

    Many, many thanks you wonderful people! :D


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