they were bargains of a lifetime! The Beolab 5000's are mint and cost 399 EUR including 2 brand new powerlink cables. I bought a pair of wall brackets for 30 EUR. All on eBay of course.
The white Beosystem (minus the turntable) came in a job lot of AV9000 TV, Beosystem 7000 including a Beolink 7000 and table stand, LCS/Beolab 3500, a white MX 3500 TV, all cables and masterlink equipment. all for 800 EUR. I left behind another system by a Japanese company as I didn't want it and had no space in the car!. Again, all eBay purchases.
Living in France gives me nice access to Germany where there is a lot of good B&O stuff available if you're prepared to travel to collect it. I've found people selling job lots as they can't be bothered splitting it up. Seperated, they could get much, much more for their items - though I'm not complaining.
Now it's time to clean up my Beolit 1000's.
Regards to all and have a good Christmas.
Am I ready? I was born ready!