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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-30-2010 5:25 PM by brunetto77. 16 replies.
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  • 11-30-2010 1:08 PM

    MX connections with black & white picture only

    I have just connected my MX7000 to a Panasonic dvd player/surround sound system (scart 2) but I can only get a black & white picture.

    The TV used to be in the bedroom connected to a Kiss dvd player (Scart 2) and never had any issues with the picture.

    I've also connected a freeview box via scart 1 and everything works fine with a colour picture.

    Does any of you have any idea of what the problem could be? Is there something I should change on the settings?

    Note that the Panasonic player always worked perfectly when it was connected to a different TV (now dead)


    Any advice much appreciated Smile

  • 11-30-2010 1:15 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Check that the Panasonic is configured for RGB output (instead of S-VHS / S-video).


  • 11-30-2010 1:17 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Try changing the scart output setting of the DVD player to RGB. If the picture is in B&W it may be set to " S Video".

    Hope this helps


  • 11-30-2010 2:08 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Hi guys thanks for the advice. With this dvd player there seems to be no setting option for RGB/ S video. The scart 2 on the TV is set on CDV

    The connection at the back of the dvd player is a Svideo and the lead is a scart socket at the other end into TV.


    Any other idea? Unsure

  • 11-30-2010 2:32 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Do you have "SVHS=off" in the sockets menu of the MX?

    Failing that, you could try connecting the AV1 cable that now goes to the STB to the Panasonic and see how the picture looks then. If it is in colour, we can at least rule out the DVD player as the problem source. Does it have some kind of PAL/NTSC setting then?


  • 11-30-2010 2:35 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Probably will be in the menus - or there could be a switch on the back. Set to RGB or CVBS. The MX is as it should be on CDV. You could also try a different scart lead and/or make sure the connections are good and secure.


  • 11-30-2010 3:07 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Ok so I tried connecting the dvd player to scart 1 and it's still black & white picture

    The problem is that I don't have another cable at the moment. Only connections at the back of player are S-Video and Video out (yellow). No scart or other attachment and no switches.

    On the dvd menu there's a Pal/Ntsc setting and mine is on Pal. What I don't get is why I never had any problem with the Loewe TV that has just broke down. Sigh! Same lead, setting on TV and player on Pal and the picture was in colour. Also if I connect the Kiss dvd player to the MX the picture is perfect and in colour.

  • 11-30-2010 3:38 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Oh, the DVD doesn't have a SCART at all! That would've been relevant info from the start...

    I'd just delegate it for use with some other TV and get a new cheap DVD with a SCART connector. Then you can use it in RGB and the picture will be better as well.

    Or, if you really want to use it, you could connect it to the MX with an S-video cable (and configure the sockets menu to SVHS=AV2). You will stll need to feed the audio to the MX via the SCART connector - how do you do that now?

    But anyway, I do not understand why the picture would be in B/W now, as you are essentially watching it in composite video. Is the DVD some overseas model?


  • 11-30-2010 4:01 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Hi Mika, the dvd player was bought from John Lewis and since it's a surround sound system as well, I don't really want to remove it. I don't understand why I never had a problem when this was connected to the other TV using the same lead: Super video on one end (into back of player) and scart on the other end (scart on TV)

    Also if I want to change options on the TV menu how can I select AV2 please. I have a MKI beolink 1000 with the buttons: Sat, Link, CD, shift, V tape, phono, menu, light, Radio, TV, A tape, Record

    Another thing that is driving me mad is that the TV turns on everytime the vcr starts recording or if I turn the vcr on just to rewind the tape for example. It never happened with the other TV. I don't want to be away with the TV on just because I'm recording something. These little things about B&O are making me a bit angry to be honest and that's why I think the Company will struggle to survive. They need to keep updated

  • 11-30-2010 4:17 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only


    IHi Mika, the dvd player was bought from John Lewis and since it's a surround sound system as well, I don't really want to remove it. I don't understand why I never had a problem when this was connected to the other TV using the same lead: Super video on one end (into back of player) and scart on the other end (scart on TV)

    You should really tell the relevant things from the start, or maybe I should learn to ask for them Smile

    OK, so you have a cable with a SCART on one end (connected to the MX) and an S-video connector on the other end (connected to the player).

    This will not work with the MX, as it cannot receive S-video through the SCART. You will need to use a separate S-video cable as I said in the previous post, or you will need to get another SCART cable that connects to the composite video connector (the yellow RCA) on the DVD.

    Also if I want to change options on the TV menu how can I select AV2 please. I have a MKI beolink 1000 with the buttons: Sat, Link, CD, shift, V tape, phono, menu, light, Radio, TV, A tape, Record

    Can't remember offhand how they went, but one of the pairs '<<' / '>>' and '<' / '>' is for moving left/right and the other for up/down/different selection. PLAY is accept.

    But the cable you have now will simply not work with the MX in colour, no matter what settings you use.



  • 11-30-2010 4:44 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Thanks again Mika. So if I buy a cable with scart to video (rca) it should work then. I ask again because I'm not much into this as you have probably understood. Through this video do I also get audio signal?




  • 11-30-2010 4:46 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    That should sort the video problem, but audio will not go through that single RCA cable. How do you have the audio connected now?


  • 11-30-2010 4:55 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Before the Panasonic dvd was connected to a Loewe Ergo that stopped working (three times now). It was with the super video to scart cable that I mentioned before. Through this I had both audio and video with no problems.

    I'll probably get a Panasonic led TV in the end. MX too complicated and obsolete though very good picture quality. I've seen this model and reviews are good! Colour is actually not that purple I can guarantee ;-)



  • 11-30-2010 5:03 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    You're still holding information as hostage Smile That S-video connector alone cannot possibly carry audio anywhere. You have some audio connectors connected to the DVD as well, haven't you?



  • 11-30-2010 5:11 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Oh sorry yes.... doh! I've told you I'm not good at this Unsure

    There are 5 satellite speakers and one subwoofer connected at the back. Sorry I didn't mean to waste your time. conclude I could get a RCA video to scart cable and I sholud be sorted. I didn't think that no audio passae through the TV.

    Silly me

    What do you think of the Panasonic TV? I've seen it and the picture quality is superior to any other led TVs I've seen so far.


    Bruno Smile

  • 11-30-2010 5:20 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    No problem! Now I realize that you didn't have audio going to the TV at all before, so it won't be an issue now either.

    In that case, the single video RCA to SCART cable should do the trick. Most likely you can only find cables that carry left & right audio as well (another two RCAs) but you can then just leave them disconnected at the DVD end. Just watch that you get one that carries the signals in the right direction (from the RCAs to the SCART) as the cable could be connected either way.

    The S-video cable solution would get you a slightly better picture, but the difference isn't that dramatic.

    I'm sorry I have no experience on that particular Pana model family, but the better Panasonics I've seen before were pretty good.

    Hope this will help you get the problem sorted Smile


  • 11-30-2010 5:25 PM In reply to

    Re: MX connections with black & white picture only

    Thanks again for your support. I'll let you know after my experiments Stick out tongue

    Good night!


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