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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-29-2010 6:57 PM by kimberley. 11 replies.
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  • 11-26-2010 10:54 AM

    Beogram 4000 service?


    from my earlier thread, i think its time i got a good service on my 4000.

    I live in South London.

    I spoke to B&O and they can have it looked at in the Bexelyheath branch. Anyone have any experience with them?

    Are there any other places that anyone would recommend?





  • 11-26-2010 3:25 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    Rex Radio seem to have a good reputation for servicing the older stuff. Their details come up if you "google" them.

    Regards Graham

  • 11-26-2010 4:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    Thanks for that. Ill give them a call but they are the opposite side of London to me.

    I have heard that AVA services in Surrey might be good. Anyone used them?


    On a side note. HAs anyone replaced the capacitors with high quality branded ones and noticed a huge sound difference?




  • 11-26-2010 4:36 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    There are no electronics in the signal path in your Beogram so the answer
    to your last question will be a no.


  • 11-27-2010 6:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    This guy talks a good talk and has an excellent warranty

    Regards Graham

  • 11-27-2010 8:08 AM In reply to

    • Step1
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    Blimey his site reads like one of those emails you get with pages of reasons as to why you should buy product X lol...

    However, he really does look like a reasonable chap so definately worth a ring and speaking to him!


  • 11-29-2010 10:39 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    I have used AVA in Coulsden & would recommend them. However, 'phone before delivering as he is sometimes out returning repairs.

    If belts are required, you need to get them from 'Dillen' as they aren't available from B&O U.K. to the best of my knowledge.

    (I have no connection with AVA apart from as a customer.)

    What work does your BG4000 need - and where are you based?

  • 11-29-2010 11:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    Im based near Camberwell, so a careful drive to Coulsden is probably better than heading to Kilburn or Harrow.

    I really just want to get it checked out as it was overheating a bit and occasionally making a slight grinding noise on the return of the arm.

    If I get it taken in I will most likely get the capacitors all changed as i guess this has never been done in its life.

    Its a beautiful turntable and deserves to be treated with respect.

    Have you any idea how much they charge at AVA for this kind of work?

    It would also be interesting to see if anyone has a view toward the work carried out at an official B&O retailer.




  • 11-29-2010 12:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    I suggest that you get a quote first. You may get a nasty shock.

    Regards Graham

  • 11-29-2010 12:24 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    In the case of the 4000, I would say a reasonable adage would be, if it isn't broken, don't fix it! I would get the arm looked at but replacing all the capacitors is probably not necessary, will have no effect on the sound and will be very expensive. To pull it all apart and subject it to attack by soldering iron is more likely, in my view, to cause problems. My 4000 has had the necessary bits fixed and has performed admirably now for the last 10 years or so. Of course get the faulty bit fixed - sounds like a clean and look at the relevant circuit board is needed, but I would strongly suggest leaving it at that.

  • 11-29-2010 2:55 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    The quote for B&O was £125 just to look at it, but they thought that if they were to do a simple service that it would be included in that.

    I only mentioned changing the capacitors cause i was told earlier that they are only designed to last a few years. Of course i wouldn't get the work done unless i thought it was needed though.

    The main purpose for having it looked at is to stop anything going wrong or getting worse in the future.

    I use the turntable on average 40 hours a week, so it does deserve a little TLC.


    What is a good price to have a service?




  • 11-29-2010 6:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4000 service?

    I'm far from expert, but have done my own 'mechanical' service work on BG4000 & 4002 and while it's delicate (good light & steady hands, lots of patience, being prepared to do it again... and again) the lubrication work isn't too difficult.

    Searching this forum will find a lot of advice on the removal of old lubricants & their replacement, certainly worth the effort, particularly if the arm drive is noisy. For what it's worth, the arm on my BG4000 gives a little 'chirrup' or 'sigh' when it parks at the end of a side - though not at other times.

    I'm in Crystal Palace (& work in Camberwell) if you'd like to listen & compare noises! Feel free to contact me if you think it would help.

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