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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-21-2010 4:02 PM by pveeravalli. 6 replies.
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  • 11-20-2010 12:36 PM

    BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    Hi, I still have a BEOGRAM 1100 turntable purchased in 1978 from a B&O outlet in London, U.K.  In 1980 I moved to L.A. and had the US dealer adjust the unit to work off U.S. power (110V) and since then it only plays 33 and not 45 RPMs.  Is there any effect of 110 over 220 that would have such an adverse impact for playing 45 rpms.  Basically, it plays 45s bt sounds really slllloooowww!

  • 11-21-2010 3:24 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    The Beogram 1100 has an AC motor running directly from mains.
    This means that the motors speed basically depends on the mains frequency which
    is either 50 or 60Hz.
    The dealer can change the voltage setting for the deck but NOT the frequency setting.
    If you moved from a 50Hz area to a 60Hz area, your deck will run 20% too fast.
    This can confuse a non-experienced tech guy into bodging about with the fine speed
    adjustment or something else inside the deck to try and make up for the speed error.
    I obviously cannot tell you what has been done in your deck but it could be something
    like that.
    It's not all tech guys who knows enough about turntables to do a proper service at all
    and what he should have done is replace the motor with one suitable for 60Hz.
    I doubt that this was actually done, I'm sure that he merely flipped the voltage setting
    switch found inside the deck.
    Maybe he fitted an un-original motor of some sort. I've seen many things in my time.

    Supposing the above was done correctly, it could also be a mechanical fault to the speed
    switching mechanics. The change from 33 to 45 is obtained by lifting an idler wheel up
    or down to run on either a smaller or larger diameter part of the motor pulley.
    The mechs here can go wrong, especially if the tech guy wasn't aware of it when he did
    the conversion and/or if the deck was banged about in transport.

    If what you mean by a very slow 45 RPM is actually 33 RPM, a faulty speed switching could be the reason.
    Watch the idler wheel (with the rubber edge), check at 33 and 45 if it runs on the upper and lower part
    of the motor pulley respectively.
    The copper colored pulley with the round plate is the motor pulley.
    You can watch this by simply lifting off the platter.

    For reference:
    An original (unmodified) Beogram 1100 should look like this under the platter and
    from below:


  • 11-21-2010 9:53 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    Martin, hello

    This is most informative troubleshooting steps and following them is was quite easy - thanks!

    The copper wheel seems to be running same regardless of whether 33 or 45 is pressed.  I don't visually see any switching going on when I press 45 versus 33.  Is this indicatiive of a faulty switch, and if so is it something that can be repaired by a B&O repair center or by myslef?  As you can tell I am quite a novice at this.



  • 11-21-2010 10:58 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    The motor (copper wheel) runs at the same speed all the time.
    The idler wheel (with the rubber edge) should move up and down the
    copper shaft when the speed is changed so that it runs on either
    the thicker or thinner part of the shaft. This changes the speed of
    the idler wheel and, in turn, the platter.


  • 11-21-2010 1:59 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs


    Thanks for response again!  I removed the platter and observed that 33 and 45 RPM does not make any difference to the idler wheel - seems to be same for bot 33 and 45 rpm speed.


  • 11-21-2010 3:09 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    Could be that one of the thin metal spring "leads" have come off underneath
    the square operating plate or something has blocked the speed changing mechanism.


  • 11-21-2010 4:02 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 1100 won't play 45 RPMs

    I have the operating manual so I will check and let you know what I find.  Thanks for all your help.  One more question: DO you know any good B&O service centers that would service BEOGRAMS in California?

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