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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-24-2010 2:33 AM by pveeravalli. 12 replies.
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  • 11-20-2010 9:35 AM

    BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    I recently acquired a BEOGRAM 2400 turntable [came with MMC4000].  Compared to my BEOGRAM 1100, the 2400 pick-up arm has an issue where with a 45 or 33 rpm record, and on play, the arm moves accross but does not lower and immediately returns and leaving the turntable still spinning.  I ahve adjusted the weight's A screw and moved the slider in variou spositions but to no avail.  Any help in here will be great.

  • 11-20-2010 9:53 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Welcome to Beoworld !

    Can you tell if the arm is forced back by the mechanics or
    merely "falls back by itself" ?


  • 11-20-2010 12:05 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Not sure what you mean but this is exactly what happens:

    1. Place any record on platter

    2. Press 45 or 33

    3. Arm begins to move from stationary to play position.

    4. At this point the arm should automatically lower onto record but instead retrusn back to staionary position

    5. Turntable still turns

  • 11-20-2010 12:06 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Also, wanted to thank you for such a fast response.Smile

  • 11-20-2010 5:56 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Yes, a bit hard to explain, I suppose.
    When the arm moves back to its park position, if you place a finger in its path, can you
    feel if the arm is mechanically forced back or if it's merely a result of the antiskating function,
    where the arm swings back by nothing by its own weight ?


  • 11-20-2010 6:41 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Hi Martin,

    The arm movement is mechanial and does not look like it's anti-skating.  From what I have seen the arm in it's rest position should move up, then swing across to the record, move down, play.  Once playing is finished, the arm should move up, swing back move down, and rest, at which point  turntable should turn off and stop spinning.  Sthe symptom is more mechanical than anti-skating.



  • 11-21-2010 3:10 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    OK, this is where it gets very difficult to diagnose.
    It sounds as if the sequence wheel - or something working with the wheel -
    has been dislocated or broken.

    The usual problem with this model is the tonearm not lifting after ended play
    but this fault usually results in a permanently lowered tonearm rather than
    permanently raised.

    The fact that the platter keeps spinning tells us that it's probably not an
    electronic fault or a fault with a stuck key on the panel - which brings me
    to asking which of the two different models of the Beogram 2400, you have ?
    One has a completely square dustcover with all operating features under the
    cover, the other has a sloping front with all buttons outside on the front.


  • 11-21-2010 9:28 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Sorry, I should have mentioned that I have the 2400 model without the control panel (i.e. square cover with controls inside cover)


  • 11-21-2010 9:55 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Martin, sorry my response was slightly confusing.  My 2400 is the version with controls inside the cover.

  • 11-21-2010 4:04 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work


    Any idea why the arm does not lift up and down as I mentioned in my previous messages?  The 2400 is with controls inside the cover

  • 11-23-2010 12:23 PM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work


    I can only assume you will get back with a response, or am I on my own trying to fix the tone-arm issue with my BEOGRAM 2400.

    Any response is appreciated.


  • 11-23-2010 1:01 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    I like to do my best but it's very difficult to diagnose faults to the mechanics inside these decks per email.
    At least for me it is.
    It's usually so much easier when I have it on the bench in front of me.

    You will have to take a look inside the deck and see if something is wrong.
    The mechanics related to the lifting and lowering of the tonearm are not
    too difficult to understand but take notes of everything if you take something apart.
    The metal bar that runs from the sequence wheel to the tonearm base pushes
    back and forth to raise and lower the tonearm. This is what you will be checking first.
    Check that it sits firmly at both ends.
    Note that the metal bar has a pin running in a groove in the sequence wheel. This
    needs to be correct or it won't work. Maybe the pin has broken off or is running outside
    of the correct groove.


  • 11-24-2010 2:33 AM In reply to

    Re: BEOGRAM 2400 Pick-up Arm does not work

    Hello Martin,

    I will attempt to take a look as you advice using the downloaded manual from BEOWORLD, and hopefully, find the issue.  Hope to report back soon.

    Take care,


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