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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 07-10-2007 12:58 AM by Alex. 21 replies.
06-30-2007 4:33 PM

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Southern CA
- Posts 137

Ive played with, its really nice but its missing features i want. Im not sure yet. Im sure ill end up buying one.
Nice phone though. Using it is fun .

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

I played with it as well, didn't even have to wait - just walked at 1.30 AM Saturday morning into the Store on 5th Ave NYC which is a 24 hour location. It is a very neat device, but expensive (keep in mind price is with 24 month contract, which is typically subsidized with 200 or so $) and I am still locked in with Tmobile for another 12 month or so.
I miss a proper case, something like the Apple leather sleeve for the Ipod.
Only thing I didn't like about it was that you can not email attachments, you can email photos though from within the photo app. More memory would be good as well. And email is nnot blackberry like, it checks every 15 minutes (or hourly, or manual) for new mail while with Blackberry I have them immediatly.I am pretty sure that down the line when it gets a bit cheaper I will get one. The bluetooth headset looks very neat too, however I don't see anything about noise canceling in the specs which I would expect for the price.
For those thinking about buying one in the US and ship it, that won't work. It must be activated with ATT otherwise it won't do anything, you must do 24 month contract commitment.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Neuchatel, Suisse
- Posts 552

JK; A few questions: 1. Will the IPhone work with any of the B & O headsets, such as the ES 2 ? 2. AT&T: I understand Verizon and T-Mobile will levy a $ 200 USD penalty for those moving to the IPhone and AT&T. I heard in Vevey that the total cost for a complete package would then be in the vicinity of $ 2300 USD. If one already has an AT&T account will that suffice, or does it have to be a different, new AT&T account specific to the IPhone ? I'm asing as my son is studying in North America, and is interested in the IPhone. I want to know how much the total package will cost before he calls us. Cheers !

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

1) I don't know this. Sometimes there can be compatibility issues. I thought I read here that there might be a B&O Earset 3 for the IPhone ....... not sure if this was a joke or not.
2) I think if you are in a middle of a contract, then yes that is correct. I would call and validate that though, can be different from contract to contract. I will ride mine out and change then - wait another year.
3) ATT offers a 20$ a month upgrade to your existing plan for data and visual voicemail so you can keep your plan.
If your son is finishing his studies in less then 2 years then I would skip. I don't think the US Iphone will work with any other provider then ATT. So you can't just take one to Europe and use a localprovider there. I saw many tourists by the way in the 5th Avenue store wondering the exact same.
For total package, I have to say the monthly for the Iphone is not bad. I pay the same at tmobile plus the usual 10$ or so taxes and fees.
The US prices do not contain taxes by the way, so you have to factor another 8% or so depending on state where you buy.
You also will need some sort of case or protection sleeve. I wouldnt want to put it into my pocket without.
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

jk1002:1) I don't know this. Sometimes there can be compatibility issues. I thought I read here that there might be a B&O Earset 3 for the IPhone ....... not sure if this was a joke or not.
Think stereo Earset 1.

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Posts 655

Had a play with one at an electronics event. Actually its not all that- a lot of hype. Ok its all touch screen ( same as prada phone) it is not 3G which makes it slow, its a phone with e mail and storage and built in i pod- a device like so many except its in a touch format. Screen will get scratched to bits very soon and battery life is said to be----- wanting

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
- Posts 2,990

Actually, PC World tested one, and said it's practically impossible to scratch. Even attempts to purposefully scratch and dent it failed.
And AT&T's EDGE network is now faster than 3G. They upgraded it all a few hours before the iPhone was launched, and some people have reported much faster transfer speeds than we initially expected...
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- Joined on 04-01-2007
- UK
- Posts 970


- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Southern CA
- Posts 137

EarSet 2 does work on the iPhone. You will now find EarSet 2 for sale at the apple store. and the new headset... think of A8s with a microphone on the cord. They dont have a Y splitter like A8 though, they daisy chain from one earphone to the other so the cord goes behind ur head.

- Joined on 04-23-2007
- Posts 223


- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Luxembourg
- Posts 3,175

why on earth are they doing this? I hope there are no "smash my BL5" videos around there!!
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
- Posts 1,620

>>why on earth are they doing this<<
This is probably for some sort of gadget website. There is a whole bunch of people lustering what sort of processor is used, what battery etc etc ... Wait a few days and Isupply will do the same to come up for the true cost of that item ....
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 04-29-2007
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Posts 239

FYI Apple iPhone (8GB) CNET editors' review http://reviews.cnet.com/smart-phones/apple-iphone-8gb/4505-6452_7-32309245.html?tag=nl.e729#more HTH
"Less is more"
BV7-40 MKII + BL7.2 + BL9 + BL3 + BS4 + BL4 + A9 + Earset 2 + 2 x Beo4 +
BeoCom 5

- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Freedonia
- Posts 290

The same type quirks that get Nokias trashed in the press, seem to get a pass with iphone. Outside of the fluff and the brand, iphone is just not that strong. And because I am an ATT customer with 3 phones, I know how bad the EDGE system is. No 3G? Not good. Text messaging without tactile feedback and 1 finger only? What kid would accept that? This is really, for now, an incredibly cool video ipod with a browser that, by the way, can make phone calls. And for BIG money.

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Posts 655

Alex: Apparently they make something like a 40% profit on it, but I still think it's amazing they can supply a piece of hardware like that for under $1000. It's built to a very high quality apparently, and so far they seem relatively reliable (bar a few problems with speakers being too quiet).
You should get acquainted with buying and manufacturing prices from China! 40% profit for the brand is low. The cost of manufacturing elecvtronics now ( which is of poor quality- as is the i pod! ) is very low indeed. To give an idea if you take the RETAIL price in £ and take 60% off that you end up with the cost price in $ and there is a new investment that intel have a stake in which chips can be made entirely of plastic. This plant , when on song will collapse consumer elecronics prices Als o with apple they chareg every company for the sockets ( which the license) so Every i pod accesorry you see be it made by apple in China or not they get a commision. Apple is a mind over matter company that makes huge profits from rather poor( from an engineering and quality perspective) products! regretabl the trend is being folowed by B&O with the BV8 the price for that product is AMAZING given its a chinese special!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Neuchatel, Suisse
- Posts 552

My son decided against the IPHONE, in favour of Nokia N 95. According to his looking into comparisons, the N 95 had the same amount of features as the IPHONE, and a few more. Alas, the cost he requested we forward to his account, was about the same figure. This despite some subsidy from the phone service carrier advertising the phone. Hopefully, graduation will occur someday soon.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- New York, NY
- Posts 176

One thing that CONSTANTLY gets overlooked within the "tech savvy" community is the value of good software. It really chaps my ass to see people making a "spec" comparison between the iPhone and others when at the end of the day the average consumer is buying this not because of whats more than likely under utilized under the hood. It's more about integration (iTunes ... best digital jukebox on the market hands down), style (its not that big contrary to what everyone who hasn't seen it keeps insisting on here) and ease of use. Sounds like the same reasons why we pay so much for B&O, eh? I bought the phone the day it came out. It's awesome. Period. 8GB of storage is unrivaled for a phone with intuitive software. 620Mhz ARM processor, right? Thats the fastest in any mobile device EVER! And the battery life kicks ass for a phone that stays connected to Edge and Wifi as often as it feels like it. And as far as push email like on Blackberry service ... well there's push Yahoo mail available. I just have my Gmail forward to my Yahoo box and voila ... push Gmail! This phone has LOADS of good hardware (sans 3G radio which I am missing ... but can certainly live without) ... enough where you can bet on there being a number of enhancements and additions especially around the time OSX Leopard is released. Supposedly the first things due are Exchange integration, Flash support in Safari, A2DP (stereo bluetooth) and more IMAP or Push email services. I'll keep you guys posted on how it all pans out ;-)
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