A capacitor kit is available for the Beomaster 4500 but it's my experience that
most Beomaster 4500's are still doing fine with the original components but of course
it won't last forever and if there is a fault present, it will have to
be diagnosed and fixed.
Answers to your questions:
1. If it works and sounds good, no problem.
The most typical symptoms of bad caps are :
- A weak or missing channel
- Background hum
- General operation feels sluggish
2. Kits are (made by and) available from me.
3. I would recommend taking the task to a skilled tech guy with an antistatic (ESD) workbench.
Basic electronic skills and a good amount of soldering is involved.
Not all repairers will have all the necessary components in the drawer and buying from a repairshop
may be an expensive way to get the parts but most repairers will gladly mount a kit if you
bring one along with the Beomaster. Ask your repairer.
4. I'm in Denmark. I have done countless repairs from all over the world but shipping
back and forth is not cheap, customs can sometimes be a headache and I'm sure you should
be able to find a local repairer, willing and able to fix your Beomaster.
It's still a fairly new model.
5. The only one I know of in the US is Atlantic Systems. I have only heard good about them.
I'm sure they will have all the parts needed or at least an idea about where to get them but as
I haven't tried them myself I cannot tell you much about their pricing etc.