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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-21-2010 6:57 PM by vikinger. 11 replies.
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  • 10-21-2010 5:25 AM

    When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    Hello all Beoworlders

    I very much enjoy this forum. I admire, and share, your great passion and enthusiasme for the Bang & Olufsen brand and products. There is a lot of interesting threads and a lot of information. Almost to much to capture :)

    So insted of reading all the great stuff you post, I decided to become a member and interact insted. So where to begin....

    Do some of you remember when you got your passion and interest for the Bang & Olufsen products and brand ? and do you remember why it was so facinating ?

    I remember my own story. I was around 10 years old (I am now 28) when my parents and I went visiting some of my parents friends. They have just bougt the Beosystem 4500. I remember that the owners where a litle scared to let me see and touch (well - who can blame them). But i was overwhelmed by its beauty. And the fact that you should only touch the panels to use the different functions blowed me away. I was hooked for life.

    Love to here your storyies, feelings, experiences, beliefs abouth the brand/products. 





  • 10-21-2010 5:46 AM In reply to

    • Odd88
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    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    Welcome to beoworld Yes -  thumbs up

    My passion for bang & olusen i think started the day I was born, my parents have had bang & Olufsen television and stereo in the last 25 yearsSmile

    Blame google translate for my bad EnglishStick out tongue

    My Bang & Olufsen.

    • Beovision 8-40
    • Beosound 9000
    • Beolab: 5/3/2/8000
    • Beo 5 / Beo 4 / Beotime
    • Form 2 / A8 Earphones
  • 10-21-2010 7:50 AM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    This was 16 years (1994) ago when I first saw a BS2500 at a Brookstone store in Fashion Valley, San Diego CA.

    Those magical sliding doors made me a fan of this brand. And until today; I am still astonished by my BS Ouverture.

    I'll stick to B&0 if I recognize they are not the best in the A/V world, but in term of design, quality, B&O does an excellent job.



    --= "Everything gets done with Patience" =-- --= "Less is More" - Mies Van der Rohe"

    --= BV10 46", BL8K, BL4K, BL2, BS Ouverture, BC6000 (Mk3), BT1100, Beo4 , A8 and ...the Atomic Floyd "Airjax+Mic" earphones =--

  • 10-21-2010 8:28 AM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    I have come a long way since the early '90s when the few visits to any B&O  store would be in, and out when looking at the cost.

    I don't have date on it but when growing up both set of grand parents had B&O. I can recall playing with the wheels on a BM2000 from the '70s and being fond of a pair of Beovox S45-2 in oak which I ended up getting much later.

    I was not that into audio equipment it was always about getting a good TV for the Sony msx or Amiga 600 computer. Somehow I always had a stereo but some cheap nasty stuff not worth anything in the long run. Thereby I always had a feel the B&O was strong build but I did not go hunting for it.

    My parents had a Beogram 1202 which I had spend countless hours with and I actually got it one day when my parents decied to change the stereo due to a bad reciver.

    I used for a while with a JVC 3 cd changer stereo (my first decent stereo) and one day I saw a Beogram 2000 '80s in for sale in the other end of town. I went and a look, bought it and went home. The next thing was finding a cheap stereo for my parents as they were not happy with the stereo they found. I found a taperecorder in a secondhandstore and thought about a cleaning tape might be in order so I went by a radio store to get one. The salesman took one look at the taperecorder and said: hold on and then he went to the back to get something. A Beocord 9000 in palisander!

    As I left the store I made my mind up to get it. It was to expensive anyway so I answered another ad with a Beocenter 2000 for sale rather cheap. Now here is the interesting part: How does it look? Flat and silvery? I got it but it does not work was the answer.

    In the end we arranged that he would bring it all by me in a few hours. The on thing I did forgot to ask was what the Beosystem 2000 consisted of. Another Beogram 2000? It turned out to be the BM2000 and BC2000 in nice but non working condition + the working Beocenter 2000.

    I bought it all. Gave the Beocenter 2000 for my parents and handed the other 2000 parts in for repair. After that I went hunting for speakers and something to put the 3 units on. I got the Beovox X35 from Ebay. They mint but they have the worst sound as soon found out but the system was complete. Somehow I found a B&O Atycca II stand not far from where I lived which I got.

    By 2003 it was complete in a few weeks with Beocord 9000 too. I did change the speakers to some homebuild from a secondhand store which sounded way better and I kept the Beosystem 2000 for the next 3 years. As I allready had the BC9000 what was next? The Beolab 8000 system of course! That is a very long story and then I got into Beovisions too so 2003 was the year it all steped up into Beovirus with no return.

    The Beosystem 2000 came rather by chance than anything and I went with it. At the same time I discovered Beoworld and found out it was a system not just the Beogram 2000 for instance.

  • 10-21-2010 12:47 PM In reply to

    • Step1
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    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    Hi and Welcome :)


    For me, well my mum had a Beogram 4000 and a Beocentre 4000 (the decent underrated one!) along with S-45's during my very early childhood years. I just about remember walking starwars figures over the Beocentre lids and using it as a death trap lol! Not sure anyone ever caught me doing this though!

    They both got trashed in two subsequent moves and I didn't help by trying to fix them when very unexperienced and quite young. Tell you the truth, I was more interested in seeing what made them tick than getting them back working again loL!

    Truth be known B&O is quite poignant to me because things were going wrong for the family in my early years and it is the little things like this that I bizzarely remember and link back to times that I cannot remember to this day...

    On a happier note my grandfather also liked B&O but frustratingly (to me at the time!) he held onto his Beomaster 3000 and Beovox 3000(?) speakers until about 1990 when he finally went for a 9500, RL-45's and an LX 4500. My mum still has these to this day although the telly has been problematic (usual dry's caps etc..) the others have given no trouble at all!




  • 10-21-2010 1:12 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    My parents were a big B&O fan and have never bought anything else. Everytime I bought a TV the difference in quality is immediatly noticed (I'm just 19 so I can't afford the fancy B&O stuff! Damn, wish I could). I now know that i won't buy anything else BUT B&O. 

    Recently I found a Beocenter 3500 on my grans attic (in mint condition) and I was sold again! The older products really show how good the quality was and still is! You just know you can easily keep using your stuff for over 20 years without it getting 'out of date'. B&O can't be compared with any other brand, it's top of the line.

    I want to refurbish my Beocenter 3500 in a few years and use it every day. I'm looking forward to it every day.... 

  • 10-21-2010 1:15 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    Hello Thomas and welcome to Beoworld,

    You can read my full story here.

    Beoworld's twenty-eighth ninth prize winner and fifty-first second prize winner. Best £30 I've ever spent!

  • 10-21-2010 2:49 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    I became a fan in 2003 at a party of a friend that was run on a pair of Beolab 1s and a BS 9000 linked to a laptop.

    Not only that party was driven at an unnaturally high SPL from the Lab 1s, the music was also overwealming me in its pureness and beauty.

    I simply have liked this brand for its pureness and power of sound ever since. Cool


    BC2 DAB, Lab 1, Lab Penta, beo4, beocord 1101.

  • 10-21-2010 3:53 PM In reply to

    • Evan
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    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    This is a pretty recent event for me. Mostly. Laughing

    Ages ago (or so it seems), I was probably 12 and I remember my father saying the name Bang & Olufsen to me. I have no idea why he said it, or what we were talking about, I just remember thinking to myself "that is the coolest name I have ever heard! It has to be good."

    Shortly after, I completely and totally forgot about it. Sometime during junior year in high school (2007), it hit me. Bang & Olufsen! I googled it and I found my way to the official page, my jaw absolutely dropped. I couldn't stop thinking about it. After finding some prices, my enthusiasm plummeted, "so pricey!" I thought. Then I sort of put it at the back of my mind, much like before.

    A couple months pass by and I am passing out candy assortments to the neighbors before Christmas. One neighbor I routinely talk to about cars I had saved for last, as I was certain we would talk about them for several hours. Our converstion surely began and was progressing nicely. Part way through he stopped me dead, "Say, you like stereos don't you?" I said "sure" and he replied "I've got an old one you can have." I shrugged it off as I had accumulated plenty old free junk for myself already, nonfuntional junk is what I expected. Soon after he said, "you ever heard of Bang & Olufsen?" I nearly shot through the roof! We walked out to the garage and he pointed down to a Beomaster 4500 and BeoGram CD4500 sitting in the middle of the floor. It was in rough shape, but I didn't care. I insisted he take something for it, but he would not accept anything. I sprinted down the street and grabbed the car, backed it up to his garage and loaded it all up. He even gave me the wall brackets and two powerlink cables. History.

    The set is playing to my right as I type this.
    Merry Christmas Smile



  • 10-21-2010 3:57 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    My Beofever started at my parents in 1980 with the white Beovision 8800 and possibly started mid 70's with an older white BeoVision. Imagine those days having a B&O remote not having to point it to the receiver. Selecting TV channel 12 with operating button 1 and 2. On other brand remotes one had to use a different key for channels above 9.
    As a teenager in the beginning 80's making recording on tape on the BeoCenter 7700, hanging around in the sofa with the remote doing the work. On the bike with the Sony walkman enjoying fresh recordings.

    Fascinating is B&O very user friendly operating, the system integration combined with style and top quality materials. Thanks to developers at Struer.

    In 1985 I purchased my first B&O the CD50 (With discount from the dealer. The CD50 is still working today at my father.)
    BeoLab Penta II brought music listening to a new level.
    Later BeoLink 7000 and LC1 made it pure lust and magic. Timer controlled lights on and off each day with different light patterns/times.

    Sadly B&O did not offer CD recordings and still today recording from radio is a dead end.
    Very positive is BeoPlayer here they were spot on.

    Regards, Robert.

  • 10-21-2010 6:18 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    When I was 12 or so my aunt had a Beovision - I think it was a 8800. Most I remember from it was the sturdy, immensely heavy remote.

    Fast forward 25 years or so and I spotted a slim, real good looking vintage radio at the local charity flea market. I took a close look although it hadn't been priced yet, and saw it was a Bang & Olufsen - I of course knew the brand but really nothing more. I drove back home and googled a bit (ended up at Beocentral), and hurried back to actually buy that Beomaster 900K you can see in my avatar. I'm so happy that some 3rd world kid actually might have gotten some time in school for the money I paid for a great new hobby Smile


  • 10-21-2010 6:57 PM In reply to

    Re: When did you become a Bang & Olufsen fan?

    I fell for a Beomaster 1200 (the one that looks like a slide rule) that had been put at the front of a dealer's window display. I took it with a pair of Beovox 2600 demonstration speakers. About a year later both my brother-in-law and parents-in-law bought B&O systems having been so impressed with the BM1200. My brother-in-law can still remember the moment he made his decision. Radio 4 was broadcasting a stereo play (and we are talking about the early days of stereo broadcasting.) A pair of feet appeared to walk from one side of the room to the other. There was a long silence. Then came the dialogue......"Keg beer gives you the sh*ts!" (But still can't remember the name of the play!)


    I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

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