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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 01-06-2012 3:12 PM by lenni. 60 replies.
10-11-2010 4:08 PM

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - UK
- Posts 5,223

Maybe sounds a little more sinister than the thread actually is, but I'd love to know what 'other' electrical brands BeoWorlders have in their homes.. Don't worry - i LOVE B&O and aren't straying from the pack, but my eyes are open when it comes to other brands..
Me? I have a B&W Zeppelin in the bedroom (as well as my all-white 6500 system and all-white BL8000's of course, but my wife isn't allowed to fettle with them so the 'Zeppo' is for her) which sounds superb. A third of the price of a BeoSound 1 and 90% as good. The new B&O dock may change all that though..
I have the all-black Tivoli iYiYi in the kitchen, which is perfectly adequate (although awfully designed and very plasticky) and sounds pretty good.
For Headphones, i have the Grado RS1's - which still give me goosebumps when i listen to them. They get a bit uncomfortable after a couple of hours, but i usually only listen for an hour or so - so no big deal.
I'm getting sick of running with A8's and finding the sweat that drips into my ears on a hard run nukes the earpieces. I'm on my fourth pair in 6 months and i'm not happy. Looking at reviews, i'm considering Etymotic ER-4's as my 'road pounding buddies'. I'm all ears for advice (pardon the pun) as i haven't made the final decision yet..
I'm also looking at the Art Lebedev alarm clock, which i've almost bought on several occasion over the past year - but hasn't managed to shift my BeoTime just yet..
As mentioned - i'm a BeoAddict for sure.. My house is crammed with it, and i work with it every day, but i'm interested in what else we B&O lovers.. love?
There's a reason - but i'll fill you in later.. 

BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

- Joined on 05-04-2007
- Posts 6,214

9 LEE:As mentioned - i'm a BeoAddict for sure.. My house is crammed with it, and i work with it every day, but i'm interested in what else we B&O lovers.. love?
Ditto, but I don't know about the "love" part, except perhaps my QUAD gear!
So, in no particular order...
QUAD (did I mention that? )
Wonderful old KEF Duette DeLuxe w/ B139's (I hope to match with the QUAD)
Anthony Gallo
A pair of Philips TV's
Panny plasma and BD player
hmmm... I'll have to think of more!
Steve at Sounds Heavenly

- Joined on 05-18-2007
- In the cable workshop, Melton Mowbray, UK
- Posts 356

Interesting question Lee! 
I'm also a life-long Beoaddict, but there are some areas where I'm so in love with other products that I haven't even tried the B&O equivalent....
1) The ubiquitous iPod (3rd gen. Nano for me) - although this is docked to my Beosystem 3500 and controlled from my Beo4 using a little gadget I've soldered in! 
2) My Sennheiser Ovation II headphones (a hangover from my recording studio days) - they are just so comfy that I can use them for 8 or 10 hours at a stretch then get up and walk off with them still plugged in 'cos I've forgotten that I'm wearing them 
3) Kef ceiling speakers - my home is gradually buckling under the weight of Ci50-R mini-downlight speakers hidden in my ceilings.... My wife and I have an unspoken pact that if something is brought into the house and not noticed by the other partner, then it can stay. My Kef ceiling speakers blend in so well with the downlighters in the kitchen, bathroom and dining room that we even got to the point where I was playing CDs and she didn't even ask why there was music without any speakers! 
Other than these little errors of judgement, it's B&O all the way......
Sounds Heavenly Cables are proud to be a sponsor of the BeoWorld Forum!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Helsinki - Finland
- Posts 498

Tandberg: open-reel recorders and cassette decks + speakers like Fasett
Akai: open-reel recorder, fe. GX-77
Sony: Elcaset decks, fe. EL-7
Teleste/Auditek: language labs and PA-systems from 1970's (yeah, I do have one of both )
Bang & Olufsen - The art of controlling sound, picture and light

- Joined on 05-04-2007
- Posts 6,214

Oh my....completely forgot about my IPod touch!!
...and I intentionally left out the "A" word -at least I didn't want to be the first to bring it up! 

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

Nowt much - Panny plasma, Sky box, PS3, iPod 5.5G 30Gb (full up and needing a rethink) and Sennheiser CX300 ear canal 'phones. I use these more than my A8's, they give much better sound isolation and are a lot less faff fitting on etc and don't interfere with my specs (and I find I have to keep re-tweaking the A8's cos, like all ear bud types, if the "seal" is broken you loose the bass).
I've also been given a 500Gb NAS drive that I need to put to good use - I haven't decided how yet (if some kind sort would like to supply an Encore for long term testing, I'm willing to supply my own drive)
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 12-17-2008
- Posts 589

Samsung & Olevia LCD Tv's with a Samsung and Phillips DVD players. No Blu Ray yet. A couple iPod nano's 2nd and current generation. Klipsch Icon speakers in the studio.

- Joined on 04-16-2008
- Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
- Posts 2,839

Off the top of my head, Jensen phones, Pinnacle/Roku N Radio, Seimens phones, Bose Wave Radio, iRobot vacuum cleaner (actually a glorified carpet sweeper) the superb Apple iMac, the near useless Toshiba/ Windows laptop (just had the 'Blue screen of death' yet again and have finally ditched useless Norton) Dyson vacuum cleaner (good but over-rated), Miele & John Lewis various kitchen machines, Philips TV, incredible Lumix camera.
As mentioned in another thread, once had 'Magic Box' touch sensitive phones that died. Not easy to use, especially if you were asked to press various options during a call.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

- Joined on 05-03-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 1,164

Oh dear, I was thinking long and hard about this and only came up with the following:
- SWMBO & I have ipods and iphone
- At work I have a Phillips iBoom ipod dock and crappy Binatone phones both because they were cheap and fit the purpose... In saying that, can't wait for the new B&O ipod dock!!
- My VW has just the standard sound system, they don't have a B&O version (might have to buy a Mercedes or Audi
That's all I could think of!!
My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

I may at times be critical of B&O, but I'm a BeoHolic as are many others here. Still, a few exceptions. As my Apple units are integrated with my A/V, I guess I should count those - then again, Ive of Apple has borrowed to such an extent from B&O design expressions that I feel it's all in the family. I suspect Ive owns a Beosystem 6500-7000, with an MCP.
So there's the Apple stuff.
In addition, I have a Grace m902 DAC connected to my Beolab 5000, together with Grado RS-1 headphones. Both get frequent use.
I also have a Konnekt 24D connected to my BeoLab 5 speakers, and CD player and amplifier from Cambridge Audio. I also have a Sennheiser headset for easy listening and travel, it has very good noise suppression, which is handy on planes and in the city (or when sitting on my balcony in the city.) As I have several A/V rooms, B&O stuff gets to dominate, and the other working units are hidden away.
I also have one of these - it gets a lot of use during the summer. Has several line-ins, a remote control and an iPod dock, as well as the possibility to attach a sub-woofer. With battery, which can be practical:


- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

In the living room connected to my BS4 is a Mac Mini which uses BM-Link to the Beoport to the BS4 and has video to my Samsung. I can choose the music with the Remote app for my iPad or any of the 3 iPhones laying around. DVDs are viewed on the Mini.
Bedroom is all B&O. Not much in there other than the BL3500.
Study has BL4000s and Beolink Active. On the desk we have a 24" Apple monitor with all of the peripherals attached to it with USB so whoever wants to use it can use it. Sound can be piped to the BL4000s over the PC port on the Active. The signal chain then is Macbook Pro-->M-Audio A/D D/A convertor-->Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer-->Headphone amp/splitter-->BL4000s. The mixer is there for guitars and whatever else and the splitter splits the signal to 8 ports for headphones or speakers or whatever. It's for music production and playing in my spare time. Otherwise, I just get music off the BS4 for that room.

- Joined on 04-16-2008
- Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
- Posts 2,839

I'll stick to my audio/video equipment, and not bore you with my vacuum-cleaner or toaster  JUST KIDDIN' Graham! (sorry -I couldn't resist)
Forgot the Dualit!
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808

I actually got rid of practically all my alien stuff, but some
remains... from those that actually could be replaced by B&O items
to the other assorted crap...:
- Jamo Graphic
wall speakers (and they will stay, as they sound brilliant and look the
part too - and had magnetic replaceable cloth covers years before BV10)
- A tournedos-branded HDR (based on Linux+VDR) - I recently ripped
all my CDs and might add them + network radios + Spotify on it with some
homecooked B&O integration
- Philips DVD-R, which is 99% of the time just used as a S-video to
RGB converter for the above, and a Sony DVD player that has the most
horrible user interface I've seen in anything for years
- Various Nokia, Humax, etc STBs
- JVC KD-D50 cassette deck, which I got new in 1982 and has been on a
shelf for three years waiting for me to have the heart to fix &
sell it
- Sony projector & BR player at the office (VPL-WV60 and BDP-S350 if I remember right)
- EDIT: Oh yes, the Sony CDP-30 CD player at the summer house... bought new and still working strong after 25 years!
- EDIT^2: alarm clock functions exclusively taken care of by Nokia mobile phones since 15 years or so.
I'm not at all happy with the picture quality of my LX/MX's, so when
the 6000 dies it will be replaced with a generic LCD - or perhaps
I also just got a plastic bag full of apples. Really should try and eat them soon, or perhaps bake some pies.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Marlow, Bucks, UK
- Posts 1,688

Have a Bose Wave Radio to wake me up every morning. I did want to replace it with a BS3 but after hearing the alarm had to be set every night I never got one. I love the way the radio part of the Bose alarm gently increases in volume to wake you up. I like that the display dims right down at night even though I never look at it because I have an Oregon Scientific projection clock* as recommended by Peter/Doctor quite some time ago. Huge subtle red digits on the ceiling which are faint enough to give off zero glow in the room. Sounds tacky but I wouldn't live without one now. Half an eye open during the night and I can tell the time without waking up too much. Major WAF there as she likes it too.
Bose Quiet Comfort headphones used mainly for plane travelling. I have a8's somewhere (lost now) but never got on with them. I must have strange shaped ears!
Panny Plasma. Was a rushed get-us-by purchase that is impressive enough that we have never got round to changing it. Having spent so much revamping a large house we couldn't justify spending heaps of money on a B&O TV just to avoid the additional remote
*If anyone looks into getting one make sure it has the red projection and not the blue. Also ensure that the actual clock display is not permanently illuminated. We learnt this when my father wanted one and went through a few before he found one acceptable. Mine is no longer in production.
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
- Posts 2,002

All of my AV is now B&O, with the exception of a Roberts Rambler portable radio in one of the bathrooms. Unfortunately B&O don't make kitchen appliances, as I have:
Dualit Toaster
La Pavoni Europiccola espresso machine
Gaggia MM coffee grinder
KitchenAid Artisan mixer
KitchenAid Artisan blender
Magimix Mini food processor
SMEG FAB fridge/freezer
All of the above are in black/chrome/stainless so that they match the Avant in the same room :)
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society
Søren Hammer

- Joined on 01-07-2008
- Esbjerg/Denmark
- Posts 554

All my stereo systems are ofc B&O 
Only a couple of things are not:
iPod Touch
Sony 32" LCD
JVC surround system

Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

- Joined on 04-16-2008
- Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
- Posts 2,839

Forgot to mention Harman Kardon system in Saab 9-5. Can't really fault it (the car or the sound system!)
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733

All of my AV is now B&O, with the exception of a Roberts Rambler portable radio in one of the bathrooms. Unfortunately B&O don't make kitchen appliances, as I have:
Dualit Toaster
La Pavoni Europiccola espresso machine
Gaggia MM coffee grinder
KitchenAid Artisan mixer
KitchenAid Artisan blender
Magimix Mini food processor
SMEG FAB fridge/freezer
All of the above are in black/chrome/stainless so that they match the Avant in the same room :)
In the kitchen we have beside a BL2000 and a BL1000 also the Kitchen Aid mixer/ blender and a Vestfrost fridge/freezer, but I think, that doesn`t count to the dark side, because it`s a David Lewis design . We also have a Nilfisk vacuum cleaner, which is a danish product designed by Jacob Jensen - does this count? There is also a central vacuum cleaner from Finnland called Puzer, but no Lewis/Jensen design....we also have a british Toaster - I can`t remember the brand - that should be a Beo product, because it was unbelievably expensive, but doesn`t react to Beo4 commands - even in TOAST mode (!!) - and got no Masterlink ...

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Marlow, Bucks, UK
- Posts 1,688

Oh and Siemens home phones. Last had a Beocom2 but we both found it impractical and uncomfortable to use so got rid after about 4 weeks. Previous reliabilty issues with other Beocoms pushed us further away.
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808

Oh and Siemens home phones. Last had a
Beocom2 but we both found it impractical and uncomfortable to use so got
rid after about 4 weeks. Previous reliabilty issues with other Beocoms
pushed us further away.
yes, forgot that as I don't have a land line (and soon nobody else in
Finland will have one either). I have Siemens Gigaset S450IP's connected
to the VoIP service of a local provider. I get a transparently working
"land line" number, free calls between these and also to the mobile
phones of the same provider. The company phone lines are on these as
well, they work brilliantly and save a lot of money all the time. At the summer house I have the VoIP interface on a 3G router though, using a Beocom 1600 
And I still think B&O should've teamed up with Siemens on these and just added a proper built-in VoIP feature
to Beocoms. The Siemens VoIP implementation is bullet proof, my only
gripe is the slow user interface on the awfully plasticy handsets. Maybe
that scene looks different in other countries though.