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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-08-2010 2:29 PM by f5434964. 6 replies.
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  • 09-29-2010 3:10 PM

    adding BS5 to a BS9000


    I just wanted to add a Beosound 5 to an existing system of a Beosound 9000 with Beolab 8000; the BS5 is supposed to be in the same room as the BS9000 connected via masterlink

    Now my problem is that I cannot add the BS5 on my Beo5; either it says that I have to add a Video-System first or I have to add a new zone; but I don't have a TV and I don't want to add a new zone - the two systems are in the same room

    I also tried to change the audio option - without success

    Can somebody help please?!

    Regards Elmar

  • 09-30-2010 2:45 AM In reply to

    • Spiros
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    • Thessaloniki GREECE
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    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000

    Hi Elmar, I'm not sure why it requires a TV or a new zone, however, you can create a new zone with no problems and then you can choose to hide it so that it won't appear on the screen. I also had the same issue for the beoport and I the did the above mentioned. Best regards Spiros

    Best regards


  • 09-30-2010 11:52 AM In reply to

    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000

    Hello Spiros!

    Thanks for you answer! As you told to do - I have to hide some buttons (from the TV) or the zone; I'm just wondering how it would be done if I ask a official dealer to do the setup...

    What would you suggest: setting BS9000 or BS5 as audio master?!


  • 10-01-2010 2:59 AM In reply to

    • Spiros
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 09-03-2007
    • Thessaloniki GREECE
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    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000

    Hello Elmas, You can hide the zone comletely. Most probably your dealer would do the same but I cannot tell for sure. I think that the BS9000 should be the master as long as it is N.Music ready and BS5 in Option 0 if they are on the same room. Give it a try and update us. Best regards Spiros

    Best regards


  • 10-11-2010 10:51 AM In reply to

    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000

    HI Elmar,

    do you solve yr prob in the meantime or not ??

    i have this combination several month working very fine....

    any further questions, just write a PM with a tel number....

    Cheers from germany,


  • 10-18-2010 12:37 PM In reply to

    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000

    I'm still waiting for my BS5 so I haven't change my config yet....

    Thanks for your offer!

    regards elmar 

  • 11-08-2010 2:29 PM In reply to

    Re: adding BS5 to a BS9000


    I got my BS5/BM5 last week and did the setup on Saturday; I linked the BM5 to my existing BS9000 (ML); on the Beo5 I've added to BS5 as a new zone; everything works fine; the BS9000 is the Audiomaster - at the BS5 I said "audiomaster no"; there are only some issues:

    * after listening to and switching to eg radio the BS5 is not turned off

    * the BS9000 does not switch to if I start the system with the BS5

    * I've copied a playlist from ITunes to the BM5 with Beoconnect (drag and drop on the green button); unfortunately the system copied the tracks - not a list! So I have all the tracks from the list twice! Is there a chance to get rid off those files? Do I have to erase all of them on after another? And how do I get a LIST?

    Greetings Elmar 


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