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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 08-30-2011 1:34 AM by soundproof. 70 replies.
09-25-2010 5:08 AM

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Managed to find the impossible - a Beogram 3000 Thorens/II. I do think I'll be sending it to Classic Audio, however.
Now that there's a Ferrari-Red and a Mercedes-Blue one, I thought I'd make mine BRG. But more importantly, it will probably do wonders for both the unit and the sound it produces to have it refurbished by Frede. Found it in Denmark.
It tracks well, the music is in stereo and well-balanced, which is a feat in itself, given the age of the stylus!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
The woodwork is in good condition. Beeswax made it breathe and shine.

- Joined on 09-14-2010
- Posts 555

Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Very nice! I particularly like the colour of the wood. I would suggest that getting it restored is a good idea as the rubber mushrooms deteriorate and the rubber on the idler wheel may need some work. The thing one really notices with these decks is the bass extension. I have a special cartridge which Frede sourced from Axel though as yours has the 9" arm, the SP8/9 should be the one you need.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
I'm having it totally refurbished, and having a new bottom section of the bottom plinth (i.e. the black section) cut from dark soapstone. This stone is non-resonant. It will get the same shape as the thin wooden frame plinth there now, but will add a good anchor for the top section. I'll hear soon enough whether this supports the sound.
I'm lucky, I have an SP8/9, and will be sending it along for retipping.
Can anyone enlighten me as to the story behind the gold plated version of the SP8/9 which I have?
Should have had the turntable ready now, for dark autumn evenings, but these Beograms don't come along that often. I'll have to be patient.

- Joined on 05-04-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Congratulations on a rare piece! 
I have followed these tables for several years but have never got one.
I see quite a few of them pass by in various flavors: color, arms, plinths, etc... so, I am curious: What distinguished the 3000 from any of the other 124's besides the arm and the branding?

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
I think that many Thorens 124 adepts consider the B&O plinth to be insufficiently heavy, and too flimsy, compared to how most of the decks are spec'd today.
Unfortunately, a number of Beogram 3000 plinths are sacrificed by people hunting for a good Thorens 124 turntable. They'll buy the Beogram 3000, and then remove the B&O plinth and install a new one. For this reason, the surviving Beogram 3000s are in peril.
I'm keeping the original plinth, but am considering having a new base made, to experiment with what happens to the sound.
However, B&O were aiming for the pinnacle of sound reproduction with the Beolab 5000 system, and we should really be confident that they knew what they were doing with the plinth, as well. The arm is B&O's contribution. The turntable itself is exactly as specified by Thorens, which is probably why Thorens also gets a very visible product credit right under the speed control.


- Joined on 09-14-2010
- Posts 555

Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
I don't know about the gold SP8/9. The one I had was gold as well.

- Joined on 09-14-2010
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Found mine - it looks as though it has a gold coating - mine is gradually rubbing off along with the writing! The one I have is actually an SP8 with the mounting bracket on top. It has a sticker on the back with SP8 written on. This is the cartridge that came in the lovely wooden box.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Yes, I "borrowed" a picture to demonstrate the prominent placement of Thorens' name.
Must confess I'm quite impressed. I've been inside the deck now, and while I see there's some work that's been done, there hasn't been much maintenance. The rubber grommets are cracked, hard and dry - which means their function as buffers is = 0. Still, there was acceptable sound coming from the deck (though I suspect that in addition they were mounted in the wrong position - are yours at the bottom of the long bolt? I usually see the grommets (mushrooms) between the metal deck and the plinth, where here they are hanging on the bolt, and not really doing any suspending of the deck.
Nonetheless - it works, is quiet, holds speed and delivers music. Swiss Engineering. I'm getting the Swiss Precision book that Thorens have made - and kudos to B&O for recognizing that nothing but the best would do when they launched the Beolab 5000 amplifier.

- Joined on 06-21-2009
- Zurich / Switzerland
- Posts 152

Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Congratulation Soundproof,
The Thorens TD124's have very good reputations from Audiophiles. They've been used in Studios. However, my turntable favorit is the iconic Beogram 4000 series. BTW, what's your plan with the Beogram 4000? ;-)
Best regards.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Haven't decided what to do with my BG4000s. I have three, where two work very well, and the third needs a new sensor lamp to do what it's supposed to do.
May get another amp for one of them, and then keep one for spares, but my heart will bleed if I start butchering one ... A friend is very keen on getting my third BG4000. If that doesn't work out then I'll probably post it here first, nice if it goes to a BeoWorlder.

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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Frede got back to me right away, and is looking forward to restoring the deck. I'll be sending it off day after tomorrow, and should have it back by the end of October.
Now the hunt has begun for a 12" ST/P arm, which it would be nice to equip it with.
I'm moving along with my idea of creating a shale (soapstone) bottom plinth. Frede liked the suggestion, writing:
"Soapstone Base. That's a very good idea. My experience indicates that it will achieve a damping effect relative to interference from surroundings of about 10db. Which in this connection is quite a lot."
I may actually have a wider base made, where I get recesses carved for the tools of the trade (needle-brush, etc.) -- and then the plinth rises out from this base, all in one section, and in imitation of the original shape. The Rosewood section will be kept intact, but may end up not supporting the turntable.
Will keep you posted as work progresses.
I will be painting the deck with British Racing Green in the Napier tone, which corresponds well with the green stereo lights on the Beolab/Beomaster 5000.
The interior of the rosewood section extends deeper than what you see in front, and I don't want to cut that.
The bottom panel is the original B&O one, and has various info.
Top right - we see the sales sticker from FONA, which was selling articles for B&O back then. The price was DKK 1590,-
Below that is a white B&O imprint, stating that the deck has been made in Denmark, by B&O. As they've been very frank about the origin of the Thorens, I don't see that as a fib. There's a serial number for the Beogram, which is different from that of the Thorens player, and then there's a signature of quality approval.
There's also a white sticker which was probably placed there by someone servicing the unit at some point.
The square plate covers a recess that's been made for the motor. B&O probably cheated a little here, as my unit came with some foam rubber between the head of the motor and the wooden panel. Ideally, one should be absolutely certain that the motor was free of the chassis, to avoid any vibrations - a lot of the other elements of the Thorens construction (grommets, suspension of motor) are invalidated if the motor cover touches the plinth.

- Joined on 05-04-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
soundproof:I will be painting the deck with British
Racing Green in the Napier tone, which corresponds well with the green
stereo lights on the Beolab/Beomaster 5000.
This ought to be a stunner! Looking FWD to seeing it! 

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
So do I!
A few more details.
The top of the deck, under the turntable, has a special metal plate manufactured by Thorens, but with Danish writing: KUN TIL INDBYGNING - ONLY FOR INCLUSION; i.e. only to be used as an OEM part for inclusion in other plinths, etc. Tandberg used the same deck in their top-of-the-line record player at that time.
This metal plate does not have a serial number, though there's a field for that. It also shows voltage and cycles.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Realizing that the deck is in excellent shape for a complete refurbish to original state, I will make no changes to it, but will have another plinth made up, out of soapstone, which I can move the deck to if I wish.
So Frede will be working on restoring the original B&O plinth to "as new" condition, while also ensuring that the Beogram 3000 Thorens deck is "better than new."
Looking forward to the result.
Here's the paper sticker from B&O, saying GR3000 Type 5210, with the same serial number that was on the bottom plate shown in the earlier post.

- Joined on 06-21-2009
- Zurich / Switzerland
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Realizing that the deck is in excellent shape for a complete refurbish to original state, I will make no changes to it, but will have another plinth made up, out of soapstone, which I can move the deck to if I wish.
I think, that's the right decision... such a rare deck must be restored to the original condition without modifications, just my opinion. OK... a second plinth made from soapstone would be nice. Then you've got the choice to change the cabinet. It's a win-win situation. ;-)

- Joined on 08-30-2010
- Posts 6

Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Just wanted to chime in on the congratulations, along with Beogram 4000 and Garrard 301 the most beautiful turntable ever, in my eyes at least.
I'm positive it'll look absolutely stellar in BRG ! And please don't feel that you've got to hold back on the pictures, moderation is not key in such circumstances.
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Agree with Donderhonning, and this is a piece of Swiss precition mecanics that need to be kept like that, I will follow this tread untill finished, and hope for many pics and reports.
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
How to pack properly for shipment?
As I don't have the original packing materials, and will now be trusting this deck to some unknown pairs of hands between me and Classic Audio, this has to be done well. Fortunately the internet is a good guide - both to the good and the bad.
First the bad, some horror pic's of bad packing from VinylNirvana, a restorer working in the US. These photos are from ONE MONTH'S WORTH of received shipments ... Viewer discretion is advised:
Right - we won't do that. Imagine how sad a restorer would feel while "excavating" those packages? Don't want to put Frede through anything like that. Here's a very good guideline for packing the Thorens 124, from another restorer, in the form of recognition for how one of his customers had packed the deck:
Nice. Now I know how to pack it properly. I will make reinforced handholds on either side, in order to increase the chances that the package remains upright, but apart from that I'll follow this guide. If I had the time I would have driven it down to Frede myself - any old excuse will do to spend some time in his listening room, and to discuss his projects.
Package will head out the door on Monday morning - with luck it will reach Frede by Friday of next week.

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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Today, my tonearm was wrapped for shipment. It's going from the Philippines to Frede in Venø.
The world is small these days. I managed to find an unused ST/P tonearm, and while I had to pay somewhat above the going rate for these, I do believe that the Beogram 3000 Thorens is going to be the better for it.

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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
Frede's suggestion that my Beogram 3000 Thorens should have tonearm boards with palisander veneer proved irresistible when he sent me a photo of how that will turn out. I think it will make a very good impression next to the British Racing Green chassis of the player itself!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Venø - Struer / Denmark
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
The Beogram 3000 / Thorens TD 124 MKII arrived safely today at my house on Venø. It was packed very well and very safe. I am looking forward to restore this fantastic product.
Beolab 5000 - "If another amplifier sounds different then it needs repair!"

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
The delay in shipping was due to the difficulty of finding good packing materials. I actually spent quite a bit of time looking - these days, most stores are immediately compacting their cardboard shipping boxes (as I found out.)
Eventually I got hold of a box with proper strength cardboard, and with a good size. I was able to pack the various components in layers, and with adequate protection from shocks, etc. The size of the box was probably the reason why it also spent longer than the time promised in transit - it was both checked out of customs where I live, and then into customs in Denmark.
Now I have to be patient for a month, at least ... Frede has an acquaintance who will be looking for an alternative tonearm, in addition to the 12" ST/P one (which has been delayed by a Typhoon, mind you. What stories I will be telling when this player is finished!)
Several B&O customers chose non-B&O tonearms back in the day. Strange to think that I was only 10 when this record player was first introduced to the market!
I'm being advised that an SME tonearm, in 12", would be just right - though Frede also swears by the 9" arm.
A member in another forum I like to visit is in the process of having a Thorens made up in the fashion shown below, and if I'm not wrong, Frede will soon be hearing from him. He's just found the deck. This one has an Ortofon tonearm and SPU old-style pick-up, also from Ortofon.


- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: Beogram Thorens ready to fill my days with music.
I've asked Frede to take an occasional photo of the Beogram 3000 as it is being refurbished, as long as it doesn't disturb his work.
Here's his starting point - the player as it was where I collected it. Here with a 9" tonearm and the SP8/9 pick-up. Will be fun to compare with the final result!