I have a bunch of "lonely" speakers. A lonely speaker is a speaker for
which I don't have a partner.
They will make great extra speakers for them olde sets or provide an easy way to replace
damaged/broken ones.
Generally fair to nice appearance and untested.
Can be tested, repaired etc. as needed.
Sold as complete speakers or discrete parts, drivers, crossovers, cabinets etc.
I have the following:
Type M (early version with grey'ish cloth) Wallnut
Beovox S25 Oak
Beovox S25 Palisander
Beovox S25 Teak
Beovox 800 Oak
Beovox 1000 Oak
Beovox 1100 Oak
Beovox 1200 (Type 6218) Oak
Beovox 1800 (Type 6231) Oak
Beovox 2200 Oak
Offers or questions on PM, please.