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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-29-2010 6:39 AM by koning. 10 replies.
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  • 08-26-2010 11:17 AM

    • dueno
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    • bordeaux
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    news on beovision 10

    look at this:


    there is two user guide on the site one PRE AUG 2010 and this one (the new)


    they talk about HDMI matrix, beo4 navigation button and.....

    they say there is 3 HDMI port :A, B and C!!!!!!!!

    never explain never complain

  • 08-26-2010 12:30 PM In reply to

    • oli
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    Re: news on beovision 10

    Mine (46") will be delivered/installed in 2 days (saturday) at home. I will tell you regarding HDMI plugs and beo4 release.

  • 08-26-2010 7:12 PM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

    If I were you I would check with the Dealer that he is going to supply the latest spec stock and BEO4 or you will be left with the old model and suffer relatively rapid depreciation.

  • 08-27-2010 3:51 AM In reply to

    • oli
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    Re: news on beovision 10

    Thanks for your advice, but in fact I don't care having 2 or 3 HDMI very franckly, because 2 will be enough for my use, if I use them, and it won't be the case actually. And regarding the Beo4, I missed 2 or 3 generations already, and my MK1 is working perfectly for what I am doing with my MX8000 in a second room, not even linked to the main room. In the main room I am actually using a BL1000 with the BC2, the new Beo4 coming will replace it probably. Depreciation is a fact, but in my experience, when I buy a Beo TV, it is to keep it for a long time (so more or less, it is depreciated since a while, particulary with the amount of new panels coming so quickly since a few years, it becomes like computers... at one time you have to make a choice, knowing that in 2 monthes something better will be out), often until it died. The LX2500 died after more than 20 years (tube), the second MX died recently and will be replaced by the BV10.

    In fact the MX is not dead, probably only the alimentation, but it is not interesting to repare it as the spare part costs more than what I paid for it (it was a second hand), so it's time to enter in the new generation of TV ;), but I am sure than in a few monthes a new panel will replace the actual one in the BV10, 3D will arrive soon or later (and I won't miss this feature...)

  • 08-27-2010 6:56 AM In reply to

    • Roger
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Re: news on beovision 10

    This is also relevant for the BeoVision 8-40 mkII.

    Regarding the Beo4 type no 1710, this has been on sale for a while - take a look here


  • 08-27-2010 3:10 PM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

     BV8-40mkII     200hz panel and 3 hdmiSmile

  • 08-27-2010 8:31 PM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

    The "3 HDMI" has been available in US BV 10-40's since the beginning (since they don't have DVB module installed). The most exciting feature of the new version is that it may have an upgraded screen, lit on 2 sides, not 4 sides like the old version. It's supposed to eliminate the clouding issue. I've heard the firmware update partially helped the old model, but my dealer hasn't had a chance to install it yet.


    BV 10-40, BV 8-32, BL 9, BL 4, CX100, BS Ouverture, BS 2000, BG 4500, Passive, LC 1, A 9

  • 08-28-2010 4:50 AM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

    Can anyone tell me what the US beovision 8-40 specifications are.

  • 08-29-2010 5:28 AM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10


  • 08-29-2010 6:29 AM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

    It's on the website. Just choose another country. (on top of the page)

  • 08-29-2010 6:39 AM In reply to

    Re: news on beovision 10

    I've done that.

    I thought that the uk version has a 200hz panel.

    On the website 100hz???...... strange

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