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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-27-2010 3:44 PM by stefan. 10 replies.
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  • 08-26-2010 4:54 AM

    • lano
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    Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    Hi,I'm planning to connect a Lintronic TT455-RT-238 to my masterlink via a Beolink Converter (1611). The purpose of this is to controll a STB and DVD that is stored away in my technical room. My question is if I will be able to sent commands to the lintronic box directly from my current B&O products connected to the masterlink?

    I do not have any DVD connected to the BV3, but will it send the DVD commands over the masterlink anyway so that the Lintronic box can recieve it via the Beolink converter?

    How will it work from my B& audio products (Beoceter 2300+beolink converter, Beolink active, Beolink passive, Beolab 3500), will it send DVD commands over masterlink so it can be recieved by the lintronic box?

    If the above works will it be possible to also sent commands for the STB box over masterlink in the same way and that the Linronic box kepps the products separated? Or do I need two Lintronic boxes and two Beolink converters?

    My questions are based on what I have read in this documentation, the differens is that I do not have the DVD+STB nearby any TV (I distribute the signals over RF from the technical room).

  • 08-26-2010 7:09 AM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    I tried to make this working but without luck. I´m afraid you need Lintronic boxes on both sides, sending and receiving end...(?)

    I would recommend the Scart solution, which is a really great working solution. You just connect the IR input of the Lintronic box to PIN 8 (ground PIN 21) of your Scart plug, assign the AV port to DVD - you have to do this anyway to start your BV3 when pressing DVD - and now you can control your DVD player from the mainroom and all linkrooms. Tested with a BV7-40 and MX4000(videomaster), BL2000, BL3500, BC6-26, BV6-22, BL active, BL ML/MCL converter, BL video - all linkrooms.

    The good thing is you won`t need a BL converter, the bad thing is you will need two Lintronic boxes.....


  • 08-26-2010 7:53 AM In reply to

    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    Yes, I use the scart solution to control my iPod in an Onkyo docking station with OSD - works really well and I get control from all link rooms.

    You could get a STB-C card fitted to your BV3 to control your STB and use the lintronic box for the DVD controlled through the SCART?

    Beovision Avant 32 RF, DVD1, Beovision 1, MX4002, Beound 3000, Beolab Penta MKII, Beovox Penta, Beolit 707, Beolink Passive, Beovox C30, Beocom 4, Beogram TX, 4 x Beo4, Form 1 & 2, Beocenter 7700, Beovox S65,

  • 08-26-2010 9:29 AM In reply to

    • lano
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    Thanks for the answers! The problem that I have is that neither the DVD nor the STB is located at any TV, they are in the techical room. From the technical room I have HDMI cable to the main room (non B&O TV). The DVD and STB are also connected to RF modulators so I can used them on the TV's in the "link rooms". Today I distribute the IR codes via Lexcom home network, but this means that I need a lot of remotes in the "linkrooms". What I would like is to only use the Beo4 remotes.

    Stefan, do you remember what the problem was when you tried to use the Beolink converter?

  • 08-26-2010 9:55 AM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    As far as I remember the -238 box didn`t simply receive IR commands sent by a Beo4 to a Beovision connected to masterlink and a 1611 converter.

    Maybe it will work with newer Beovisions that are MLGW compatible. Does anybody know how to enable a BV7-40 MKIII for MLGW? I know there is a menu that`s: "Send commands to MLGW"...or something similiar... You can set this to on or off.. What else has to be done? Maybe this will also work with a BL converter and a Lintronic box....(?)


  • 08-26-2010 10:06 AM In reply to

    • lano
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    I don't think that activating the MLGW will affect the DVD codes. It only makes the BV reroute Light + Control commands to the MLGW over ML.

    Did you try to to send DVD comand from a link room without a Video (for example BL3500)? Shouln't that pass on the DVD codes on the masterlink, or will that only be sent to the Video master so that the Lintronic box never recieves them? 

  • 08-26-2010 10:28 AM In reply to

    • lano
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    One other thing, is it possible to have two DVD in the same link system? If that is possible, shouldn't it also be possible then to send the DVD commands from one BV with a DVD to the second one with aDVD, and therefore the Lintronic box should be able to recieve the codes...

  • 08-26-2010 1:08 PM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    "I don't think that activating the MLGW will affect the DVD codes. It only makes the BV reroute Light + Control commands to the MLGW over ML."

    Yes, sure. That`s exactly what I want....but instead to a MLGW it should send to the Lintronic box...

    "Did you try to to send DVD comand from a link room without a Video (for example BL3500)? Shouln't that pass on the DVD codes on the masterlink, or will that only be sent to the Video master so that the Lintronic box never recieves them? "

    Works. If your BL3500 is set to L.OPT 6 it will send audio and video commands to the main system.



  • 08-26-2010 1:30 PM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    "One other thing, is it possible to have two DVD in the same link system? If that is possible, shouldn't it also be possible then to send the DVD commands from one BV with a DVD to the second one with aDVD, ..."

    You can have one DVD player in the mainroom and one DVD in every linkroom. DVD player in linkroom only works as local source and can`t be controlled from the mainroom or other linkrooms. DVD player in the mainroom can be controlled from all rooms - incl. audio linkrooms in L.OPT 6 .

    If you have a DVD player connected to a BV in a linkroom you control it by pressing DVD, for controlling the DVD player in the mainroom, you press LINK - DVD. If there is no DVD player in the linkroom you control the DVD player from the mainroom by pressing DVD.

    "...and therefore the Lintronic box should be able to recieve the codes..."

    I know this works in a MCL link system and via Scart connection - maybe you have noticed my "documentations" in the Lintronic application note, but I`m not a technician, so I can`t say, why it didn`t work in an ML linksystem - sorry.


  • 08-27-2010 2:25 PM In reply to

    • lano
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    Thanks for all the help and information! I have now ordered a Lintronic box and a software upgrade for my BV3 so it will be possible to enable MLGW functionality. I will try to connected to a Beolink converter in order to be able to controll the DVD, STB box + IHC system from the link rooms. If it can't get it to work I will have to consider the scart solution or the Beolink video solution that is also mentioned in the documentation.

    I will keep you updated in how it goes!


  • 08-27-2010 3:44 PM In reply to

    • stefan
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    Re: Lintronic TT455-RT-238 + Masterlink

    Ok. I hope you get this working. I`m highly interested in your results. Good luck.


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