There is no reason for you to actually open the file, that will not help you.
When the system or you manually load any driver onto a Windows system it looks for a file with an .INF extension which in the case of the Beo5 is called Beo5usb.inf located in C:\Bang & Olufsen\Beo5 Configuration Tool\Beo5Driver
First, make sure your Beo5 is fully charged. When you plug it into the PC USB port Windows 7 should say it has found "Found New Hardware".
If, for some reason it does not say that it has "Found New Hardware" and you are sure that you have the Beo5 correctly connected via to your PC via the USB cable AND your USB controller is NOT made by SIS then go into the Windows Control Panel and do a search for new hardware.
When Windows comes up with the driver installation wizard manually tell Windows where to find the driver information file at the location above. This file tells Windows how to install the driver and what actual driver file to use.
For your information ONLY as you don't actually need this information to load a driver, below is a listing of the .INF file for the Beo5 which Windows uses to install the driver:-
; Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Bang & Olufsen
CatalogFile =
; =============================================================================
Beo5Usb.sys = 1,x86
;Beo5Usb.sys = 1,ia64
Beo5Usb.sys = 1,amd64
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
Beo5=Beo5Device, USB\VID_0CD4&PID_6124
Beo5=Beo5Device, USB\VID_0CD4&PID_6124
;Beo5=Beo5Device, USB\VID_0CD4&PID_6124
Beo5=Beo5Device, USB\VID_0CD4&PID_6124
; =============================================================================
DefaultDestDir = 10,System32\Drivers
; =============================================================================
AddService = Beo5Usb, 0x00000002, Beo5Usb_AddService
DisplayName = %Beo5Usb.SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\Beo5Usb.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Base
; =============================================================================
BangOlufsen="Bang & Olufsen"
Beo5Usb.SvcDesc="BEO5 USB Driver #2"
ClassName="Remote control devices"
InstallDiskString="BEO5 USB Driver Installation Disk"