I've just bought something off eBay
which I hope will be a bargain... it's a complete Beomaster 5000 system that I
got for just over £50.
Obviously for that price it's not fully functioning
but the faults seem to be mechanical rather than electrical so I'm
fairly confident I might be able to get it going again with the help of
some expert advice and almost certainly one or two of Martin's special kits.
The amp seems to work fine - I've hooked up some
speakers to it (X25s that I had left over from my abortive purchase of a
Beomaster 2200 - I know everyone says they're terrible but they work well enough to test with) and my digital radio via a phono lead and the BBC
is playing away quite merrily through it.
As for everything else, well, it's like this...
BeoGram CD50: drawer mechanism doesn't seem to be functioning -
there's a noise of something straining and nothing happens so I shut
the power off. Took the cover off and there's what looks to be remains
of a drive belt in the white plastic cogs at the back. So would buying a drive belt kit from Martin solve this?
BeoCord 5000: the drawer is loose and slides out
tipped, and the motorised action doesn’t work. Cassettes won’t play -
again, would this be fixable by buying a new drive belt from Martin?
BeoGram 5000: There's an MMC4 cartridge with it that appears OK, and plays OK (if I'm right, is that worth the £50 on its own?) but the turntable
makes a
grating sound as it rotates. I've had a tinker with the transport
screws and rim brakes but that's not helped. The drive belt seems
fine. Not quite sure what to try next.
There are also some BeoVox S55 speakers with
it, that look in need of skilled help to me - or help more skilled than
me, anyway. There is obvious perishing of the baffles
surrounding the
bass drivers (I know that replacements can be sourced online for those, I've
already got a pair of S45-2s that I'm meaning to get round to
re-foaming) but one
of the mid range units has been damaged as well. I'm thinking about
giving those away to be honest.
Anyway, as ever, all advice welcomed - including 'you might as well give up now and pay someone to take a look'!
Mechanically I'm not bad but when it comes to anything electrical I've never attempted anything much more complex than wiring a plug...