The only thing I'd add is that, if you've heard BL8000's in the recent past in store, they're likely to be MKII's. They've been on sale since 2003, and so not that "new" after all.
Also, many would claim the "bass enhancement" was actually a reliability improvement, rather than a performance boost. Some will say they can tell the difference between MKI and MKII BL8000's, many will say they can't. I believe both BL3's & BL8000's would benefit from a subwoofer, the trick is picking the right one! Here I can offer no advice, other than many claim the BL2 isn't well suited to music, but then you've already discounted it.
On the other hand, for general stereo music listening duties, I would preview both without a subwoofer - you might be pleasantly suprised, depending upon the music you listen to. If it sounds good to you, then it's good.
It can also be said that adding a sub can cause more issues than it solves, especially as it's particularly room (and position) dependant. Having a prominent bass isn't the same as having accurate bass! If possible, do your previewing in your own listening environment. Many dealers will offer such a comparison.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.