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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-28-2010 8:42 PM by rtg497. 15 replies.
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  • 06-18-2010 10:32 PM

    New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Can someone tell me how I can set radio stations on the receiver.  I didn't have a MCP 6500 or a BL 1000 so I bought a Beo4 thinking that it would solve all.......They tell me it's a breeze to use.  So far all I have figured out is how to adjust bass and treble.   Am I on the wrong track?  Do I need a MCP afterall?  The documentation that I have is very simple.  Designed for the guy that created the thing :-(   Thanks in advance for any assistance.

  • 06-19-2010 3:04 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Not simple but can be done - look at this thread! The BL1000 is no use either! The MCP5500/6500 is the device you really need!

  • 06-19-2010 3:21 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Have to admit that thread might be a little confusing! Laughing

    If you still get stuck (you might need to learn how to add stuff to the Beo4 LIST menu as well and how to program the Beomaster to option 2) just ask again and tell what you have managed so far, we'll work it out.

    You'll love the darn things once you get past the initial setup Smile BM6500 was designed to be used with either the MCP or BL7000, and this was before the Beo4 even existed. They still work fine together for daily use, but I agree the setup phase is unnecessarily complicated. Much easier with a BL1000 actually.


  • 06-19-2010 11:18 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Well I tried the following:


  • added V.SETUP to Beo4
  • turned the Beomaster on radio
  • went to another room to click TV on Beo4
  • returned and LISTed to V.SETUP
  • clicked on GO, Beo4 shows TUNE
  • and I hear radio noise and the hint of a broadcast on one of the preset numbers (when I select Radio) but there is no way to actually scroll the 'dial' or enter a station number.  I must be missing a step?    Thanks

  • 06-19-2010 11:21 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    I tried those steps and still can't actually tune in a station.  I get some pink noise and the hint of a broadcast on preset 8 (sounds like AM) but pressing arrows or punching in numbers does nothing.  Did  I miss a step or two?  It's frustrating because I'm reasonably saavy when it comes to electronics and computers.  This is stumping me for now.  Thanks

  • 06-19-2010 11:49 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    You're probably missing the same step I was in that other thread linked here - you will need to program the Beomaster to audio option 2 before it cares a bit about the V.SETUP (tune) command. See here for example, but use "2" instead of "1". The Beomaster should briefly show "o2" on the display, and then the above instructions should work.

    You need to get an "F" (for FM) or "A" (AM) on the display of the Beomaster, otherwise it's not ready for tuning.

    EDIT: and you'll probably need some kind of an excuse for an antenna attached before you'll actually hear any station... these Beomasters have pretty well shielded cases!


  • 06-19-2010 12:47 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    It seems as though I am getting closer.  I did the above steps and i got the F.  I still don't understand how you select radio stations once you get to the F.  It seems as though it is waiting for me to input a number or scan somehow.  I just can't make it do anything beyond the F.  Thanks

  • 06-19-2010 1:24 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Right - I seem to recall (not with my Beo4 setup now...) that you can then just push up or down on the diamond buttons and the Beomaster will seek.

    Otherwise, if you know the frequency, then just key it in including decimals - i.e 104 MHz is 1-0-4-0, then wait a bit until the Beomaster actually tunes.

    Then you need to store the station into a preset... I think it was STORE (you need to dig that up from the LIST menu) - <preset number> - another STORE.

    Then just repeat until you have all the stations you want and hopefully will never have to do this again Laughing


  • 06-19-2010 3:11 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    I think I finally got it.  I can't get FM stations to come in so it may be the antenna is flawed.  I can scan AM stations though so at least I have the process down, thanks to you.  Yes -  thumbs up  I'll try replacing the FM antenna.  


    Thanks a lot Mika

  • 06-19-2010 5:06 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    No problem - it's really not something you could work out via trial and error! Smile

    Hope FM reception will be fine as well with a proper antenna. Once the signal level is adequate, you should see "locked" light up on the front panel when a channel is correctly tuned.


  • 06-19-2010 8:53 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Yeah.  They really could not have made it more complicated if they tried  :-)    I got a little reception but just for short bursts.  You really helped a lot.  Thanks again.

  • 06-27-2010 1:38 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Hi Mika,


    Sorry to bug you about this stupid radio station tuning thing again but I put on a new antenna and go through the steps for tuning.  After hitting V.Setup>Go, I get the F (for FM).  Using the up/down arrows does nothing.  Is that supposed to make it scan up and down and find the next station?  If it's not doing it, I guess something else is wrong.  Did I miss anything?


    Thanks again


  • 06-27-2010 6:29 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    No problem Glenn Smile

    I'm once again stuck with only a Beolink 1000 so I can't try it out myself, but I think it might actually be the left & right diamond buttons on a Beo4.

    If that doesn't work either, just key in the frequency you want (remember the decimal digit as well). Seeking is a bit problematic anyway since you have no way of knowing where on the scale you are going if you don't recognize the stations by the current program!


  • 06-27-2010 9:32 AM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Well, keying in the number doesn't help either.  The numbers flash but I have yet to actually hear a station.  Sometimes I hear what could be a station but it's like I'm not quite there even though the numbers are the exact station number.  I had previously tried the left and right arrows and still nothing so far.  



  • 06-27-2010 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    If you see numbers flashing, you've lost the game; it's back in the preset selection phase, or something...

    All you should see is the decimal point after the "F" blink after you've entered each digit. And once you've entered them all, remember to wait a bit without pressing anything!

    If this doesn't work, I'm stumped Sad


  • 06-28-2010 8:42 PM In reply to

    Re: New to B&O need help with BM6500 and Beo4

    Thank you.

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