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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-25-2007 1:17 PM by Hagen2000. 4 replies.
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  • 06-24-2007 7:29 AM

    Masterlink through STP (CATx) cable

    I need to pass a BEO masterlink cable through my network installation in my home. The network is STP and I only need to patch the masterlink from a room to another. My question is, what leads should I use according to the technical specification found at ( Can anyone help?

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  • 06-24-2007 11:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Masterlink through STP (CATx) cable


    Du skal bruge Grøn og G/hvid et par

    Blå/hvid og Pink kortsluttes så der kun skal bruges en ledning

    Blå i en ledning og i par sammen med pink

    Orenge og O/hvid i par

    Rød og R/hvid i par

    Og meget vigtig det skal være skærmet Kabel

    (med Par menes de to kabler der er snoet om hinanden)


  • 06-24-2007 5:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Masterlink through STP (CATx) cable


    I have just had a Lexcom system installed which is basically Cat6 Cable.

    I purchased LexCOM passive hubs witch join the masterlink together over Cat6.

    I then purchased LexCOM powerlink and masterlink cables from my local B&O store which is a masterlink to RJ45 plug so i am sure these will work for you too if you are using Cat6 cable.


  • 06-25-2007 5:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Masterlink through STP (CATx) cable

    Hi Andy,

    I also have the "LexCom" passive hub in my network installation and I know that you can buy the cables at the local store, but I need to the insert the cable from the network outlet into a conjuction box and I don't think that the lead colors matches the original colors used in a ordinary master link cable. Therefore it would be good to know what leads to use before I burn off my entire BEO-setup...

  • 06-25-2007 1:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Masterlink through STP (CATx) cable

    An ethernet cable contains 4 pairs coloured e.g. orange / white-orange, green / white-green and so on.
    You can choose any combination as long as you use the first pair for L+/L-, the second pair for R+/R-, the third pair for data+/data- and the fourth pair for +supply voltage/-supply voltage. As far as I remember you don´t need to connect ML-sense or you can connect it to +supply voltage (which is done in a junction box automatically).
    And keep in mind that you must not run the masterlink signal through any ethernet hub/switch/router!
    In the old forum - it´s a pity that all threads are lost - we had detailed discussions on this topic.


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