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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-03-2010 7:43 AM by ToeKneeAus. 2 replies.
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  • 06-01-2010 7:31 AM

    Beosystem 3 + non-B&O TV = workable option for smaller lounge room TV (but still B&O link & quality) ?

    I'm looking at BV7's - I say plural as i think 32 is sizeable enough but am leaning towards a 40 to get the picture quality and 'current technology' of the built in Beosystem 3.

    But this got me thinking - could I keep my small screen ideal by pairing a beosystem 3 with a non-B&O smaller tv. The drive to stay with B&O is to keep the link functionality working across the multiple rooms that I have beolink pc, BS4 & BV 1LS, but I want to explore the smaller screen options. Is this a barking mad suggestion ? Would the picture prowess of the Beosystem 3 be lost putting it through a 3rd party screen.

    Also is the picture quality that different between a Beosystem 2 based BV7-32 & the newer Beosystem 3 based BV7-40 ?

    Having SWMBO given the green light to a tv purchase - i'm in a quandry, I don't want a behemoth of a screen (the room is only 4m x 5.5 m) but i don't want to purchase older tech and be disappointed when the BS gets software upgraded in the future.



  • 06-01-2010 7:42 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosystem 3 + non-B&O TV = workable option for smaller lounge room TV (but still B&O link & quality) ?

    To enable my soul searching I even mocked up the BV7 32 (& 40) - the pic below has a BV10-40 poster stuck on a white board which has the dimensions of a BV7-32 screen (think i watched too much blue peter as a child).



    ... although you'll notice the BV10-40 screen isn't tall enough - it should run to the bottom of the white board.

    As you can see the BV mockup 7-40 is sooo much larger than a BV Avant 28" - but the saving grace is the stand which you can see through (unlike the TV in the wall Avant).

    Its not an obvious choice for me - BV7-32 as the TV shouldn't be the biggest thing in the room, or BV7-40 a better technology choice, or Beosystem 3 to give me integration and options for smaller screen from other manufacturers.

    Sometimes the single brand option approach (I don't want to move away from B&O) throw up some difficult choices.

    The other scary point is the many BV7 software scare stories (from Lee aswell) could put a potential purchaser off of a large (for me anyway) financial purchase...

  • 06-03-2010 7:43 AM In reply to

    Re: Beosystem 3 + non-B&O TV = workable option for smaller lounge room TV (but still B&O link & quality) ?

    So no-one has opted for a BeoSystem 3 specifically to keep B&O link & quality but have smaller screen - guess that answers one of my questions.

    To my other points :

    1. Would the picture prowess of the Beosystem 3 be lost putting it through a 3rd party screen.
    2. Also is the picture quality that different between a Beosystem 2 based BV7-32 & the newer Beosystem 3 based BV7-40 ?
    Anyone have an opinion they care to share ?

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