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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 06-09-2010 8:24 AM by Dave. 9 replies.
05-18-2010 3:40 PM
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
Does anyone have a file? Thank you, Dave
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
I do not have an XML file for the Philips DVDR 725H and because Philips do not manuafacturer all their own products, many are OEM'ed, its difficult to guess what protocol it uses. However if you look at the Lintronic web site HERE where they list the 726 it shows that it could be either an RC5 or RC6 protocol assuming the 726 uses the same remote as the 725H. If it is RC5 then you could just enter the codes for each command into the Beoworld XML Generator and give it a try. The command codes shown on the Lintronic site are shown in decimal, not Hex
Your other options are:-
- Capture the codes from your existing remote and either make an XML file with the Beoworld XML Generator yourself or get it made for you.
- Find on the web Philips Pronto HEX file (not ccf files) for the product which can then be converted to an XML file.
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
Hello Keith Saunders
Thanks for the information
POWER in dezimal = 014000012000000024
I copied the code 014000012000000024 into a power.txt file and have it converted to xml file. It has not worked with beo5. I will now look for a better file, Philips Pronto HEX file.
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
Dave: I copied the code 014000012000000024 into a power.txt file and have it converted to xml file. It has not worked with beo5. I will now look for a better file, Philips Pronto HEX file
Copying the string into a power.txt file will never work with the XML Generator because the generator is expecting Lintronic timing codes as per the help file.
It is common for Philips to use a device code of "0" for their products and the common command codes are:-
0 = 0 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 10 = EPG 11 = 12 = Power 13 = Mute 14 = 15 = 16 = Volume + 17 = Volume - 18 = Brightness + 19 = Brightness - 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 = 29 = 30 = 31 = 32 = Program + 33 = Program -
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
If this section for the hex codes?
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
No, Decimal.
The Beo5 uses Hex for all values except these.
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
Here a first XML version. The hard keys of the Beo5 are in this configuration without function.
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
I have taken your XML file and modified it so that all the hard keys including the digits are pre-assigned.
You can download the modified XML HERE for testing
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
Thank you, I will test the file.
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 44
Re: XML files for Philips DVDR 725H
I tested the xml file. The hard keys are working properly.
BV7-40 MKIV, BV3-32, BL8000, BL2500, BL2, Beocenter2500, Beogram4500, Beocord VX7000, BEO4, BEO5, Beolink1000, Beolink5000, Beocom1000
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