I would like to sell the following B&O items:
Beogram 1000 complete with system and needle. Table turns and plays in stereo, but I don´t know if the speed correction is working properly. Printed service manual enclosed (not original). Price???
Beogram 4000 complete with system and SP15 needle. In good working condition, one little mark on the aluminium surface. Maybe some minor adjustments are needed. Printed user manual and service manual enclosed (not original). Price???
Beomaster 4400 oak wood finish in good working order. No scratches, dents or marks. Complete with user and service manual (not original). Price???
B&O HiFi Stereo Amplifier 610. Tube amplifier from the 1960s. Good working condition. Black front. Unfortunately one of the small knobs (balance) is missing. Original wiring diagram is included. Price???
All parts are located in Austria, but shipping would be no problem. I don´t know how much the items are worth, so please make an offer.
Thank you for watching.