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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-23-2007 9:56 AM by deaddruid. 4 replies.
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  • 06-22-2007 5:00 AM

    • deaddruid
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 05-24-2007
    • Malvern, Worcestershire
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    U70 headphones - how do I dismantle them?

    In the absence of a U70 service manual, I can't see how to open up one side of the headphones. The left-side has become intermittent, so I need to open it up, and probably re-solder the wires. Can you suggest how I can open that side, as I don't want to lever off the metal cover and find I've thereby broken something.

    Thank you, 


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  • 06-22-2007 7:12 AM In reply to

    Re: U70 headphones - how do I dismantle them?

    I'll have a look! I thought I had put the manual on - my mistake if I have not.
  • 06-23-2007 5:24 AM In reply to

    • deaddruid
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    • Malvern, Worcestershire
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    Re: U70 headphones - how do I dismantle them?

    Thank you for installing the manuals, Peter. Unfortunately, they don't really show how to dismantle the headphones, as assembly screws are not shown... but glue is mentioned. I guess that I simply have to lever off the large metal cover on the faulty side, whilst trying not to bend it!


  • 06-23-2007 6:21 AM In reply to

    Re: U70 headphones - how do I dismantle them?

    No you don't! Just had a look at mine! You just take off the earpads (these have delicate plastic clips - be careful!) You then have access to the clips that hold the silver back onto the rest of the headphone. There are 4 of these and a small screwdriver to gently push these up releases the back. The speaker unit is then completely exposed. You don't need to force anything.
  • 06-23-2007 9:56 AM In reply to

    • deaddruid
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 05-24-2007
    • Malvern, Worcestershire
    • Posts 247
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    Re: U70 headphones - how do I dismantle them?


    Thankfully, I'm not at home at the moment, or I would have tried already. 

    Thank you, Peter. I would have kicked myself otherwise.


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