Hello. I am located in Southern CA and I have had my Beomaster since 1976 and this past weekend I bought a Beogram 4004 and I would like to have a matching cabinet/hutch to display them.
I have seen several teak and rosewood finish pieces on here that were very nice but were in the UK or Euro and I would consider getting from anywhere if it is in great shape and at a good price.
If the piece has an area to store albums even better.
I have Magnaplanar IIa speakers so I don't need the hutch to accomodate speakers.
I am prepared to spend up to $700 USD for a nice piece .So now I will get several offers for $699.99. I think it is best to let someone know my price ceiling so they know I am not looking to make you go through a lot of effort for $10 or $50 dollars. I know furniture is the most awkward of all to try and ship, so I am being realistic.
You can send emails directly to my work address at dgleason@ifa.com.