ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012
i have a 2400-2 that does not start. the led is on and the power is working. I replaced the c92 cap and adjusted the15volt supply but no answer
I have the solder , the screwdriver and passion
Any help wellkome
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Is there no reaction at all when you touch a source pad ?- No click ?- No flashing lamps ?
when i try to start the ic responds with a change in voltage but it doesnt seem to hold.
If i sortsircuit the relay and touch the pins is flashing the diferent bulbs but there is no signal to amplifier from radio and when i remove my hand the bulbs go off. In this condition the amplifier produces a noise when i put a finger on the transistor.
thanks anastasio
There can be many reasons for this behavior.Aging capacitors and wrong wattage lamps to name a few. Kits are available for bothbut in your case I think, I would check the functionality of the electronic switch and especiallythe little IC9.Check also for cracked solder joints at the large output stage transistors.
Martin the 3 bulbs on bass treble and balanse were dead plus 1 on volume.
what if i take some bulbs from fm fm1 2 3 ?Which ones are important?
Output is ok, no solder problem. I am going to check the ic later