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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-15-2007 1:21 PM by Peter. 7 replies.
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  • 06-14-2007 7:13 PM

    Beomuseum thread

    What happened to the Beomuseum thread? Am I the only one who was reading this then revisited to find it had gone?

    I totally accept that threads can get deleted when they run the risk of offending, but please let us know when they've been taken off as there's a gaping hole left on the forum that leaves people wondering......


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 06-14-2007 7:37 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beomuseum thread

    Hi John

    I may not reflect the views of other moderators here, but for the moment i saw this as a very sensitive issue that needed to be discussed by moderators first before becoming a topic for members.  As ever, we only wish for an unbiased topic to be published, and this has caused some disagreement between some moderators. It is my fault for allowing it to be posted on the General Forum thinking it was a topic for moderator discussion first! I will not go into details, but if anyone needs shooting - it's me.

    Whilst this has certainly not become an issue, we will always try to be fair to everyone when presenting the facts to members as we have the utmost respect for each and every one of you. So, for the moment - it's in discussion until we can present a fair and unbiased version to BeoWorld members who's opinions are paramount.

    Kind regards

    (who is happy to bear the brunt of any backlash or negative publicity! Indifferent

    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 06-15-2007 4:21 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomuseum thread

    Hi Lee

    I understand that there are times when threads need to be pulled, either because they get too close to the bone, or when people are getting flamed to the nth degree. I'm not sure I agree that this one should have been pulled however. If moderators want to have a discussion behind closed doors then that's ok and I can see why you don't want this to be airing of dirty laundry in public. However, in this case there was useful information there for both those people who had donated to the museum, and for those who had bought things from Steve's Beocollectors site (myself included). I for one am now concerned about whether or not the item I bought from Steve was actually his to sell (though it doesn't appear on the inventory list on the old Beomuseum site). Please let's not have too much moderation on here - I know the site is a commercial organisation nowadays and not purely a fan's site run on a shoestring, but when threads get pulled that have essential info in them for members I always feel slightly uneasy that people's freedom of expression has been taken away. Fair enough for those times like the thread that descended into a general slagging of Ian Grace, where legal action could have been taken against the company (which is obviously something that no one wants) but not in this case IMO!


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 06-15-2007 7:03 AM In reply to

    • Kevin
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    Re: Beomuseum thread

    Hi John,

    we just need to make sure that what is being said is unbiased and correct it wasn't meant to be published on the general forum until this was completed and both parties were satisfied with the result. I would suggest your first port of call is to get in touch with Steve who will I'm sure settle the matter for you.



  • 06-15-2007 7:13 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beomuseum thread

    Perfectly understood John - and yes, i do agree with you about freedom of speech.

    As mentioned, it was myself that pulled the thread off the General Forum - and we are all working to give a fair and unbiased report of the exact facts as we know them.  Personally, i didn't feel too comfortable with the facts as presented, and as stated i wrongly thought they were going to be presented to the moderating team first.

    We do try and work very hard behind the scenes so that BeoWorld members get the facts, and not speculation, rumour or anything else when there are personal issues involved. This has nothing to do with BeoWorld being "commercial" and to be honest i disagree that the site is commercial.

    The old BeoWorld, owned by Steve was funded by subscriptions and advertising. Forgive me if i'm barking up the wrong tree, but that sounds to me like a 'commercial' site too then?

    Anyway - that aside - we are all working behind the scenes frantically to solve this and reach a conclusion that is fair, and lets everyone have their say.

    Kind regards


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 06-15-2007 11:18 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomuseum thread

    I would second Lee's thoughts about the site. Beoworld is no more commercial than it has ever been. It has probably less advertising, and the prize draw gives members a way of supporting the site with a bit of fun thrown in. The old site staggered on with regular cash injections from Steve and myself as well as the odd donation. It effectively lost money. The new site is also a loss maker at present but has the benefit of Lee bailing it out at present. Hopefully enough of us value it to make it self sufficient though it will take some time!
  • 06-15-2007 11:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Beomuseum thread

    I think I may have been misunderstood as the thrust of what I was saying was 'let's not have too much moderation at the expense of free speech', tempered with a realisation that as a company Beoworld obviously doesn't want to risk legal action if anything defamatory is published on these pages. I was most certainly not saying 'Beoworld has been compromised because it is owned and financially supported by Lee'.

    Maybe I used the wrong terminology in using the word 'commercial' given the sensitivities that are apparent from some members, stemming from a lot of criticism from one or two individuals about the fact that Lee bought the site. I don't give two hoots about who owns and advertises on the site, as I personally think the new Beoworld is brilliant - so much so that I was more than happy to join as a gold member the day after it launched.

    I'm sorry if what I said was taken the wrong way. My point was only that sometimes I feel the moderation can on rare occasions be a little heavy handed....that's all.


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 06-15-2007 1:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomuseum thread

    I actually try to moderate very little - though I have done so today to try to reduce any hurt caused by a somewhat caustic post. Free speech is valued by myself almost above everything else but we have to be sensitive to the feelings of others, and the Beomuseum post was, with hindsight, not completely in this spirit.
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