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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-11-2009 8:50 PM by Mr10Percent. 3 replies.
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  • 11-11-2009 8:28 AM

    File structure when ripping.

    I'm wondering what the most convient way is of organising your digital music.

    At the moment it's stored in:

    <artist>\<album name>\<tracks>

    What is your setup?

    <artist>-<album name>\<tracks>

    Also... what about mix-albums? 



    The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.

  • 11-11-2009 5:20 PM In reply to

    Re: File structure when ripping.

    I have always used software to seed/organise my digital library, so way back in the beginning it was dictated by sampling of the music newsgoups, which I then ingested into BeoPlayer and so I ended up with <artist>\<album name>\<tracks>

    And then I started using iTunes which also uses <artist>\<album name>\<tracks> and which after many years I am comfortable with
    iTunes puts mix-albums (as identified by their meta-data) under <COMPILATIONS>\<album name>\<tracks>.
    And that is what I ended up with early this year when I ripped my entire CD collection; the only adjustments I made was to get rid of the "Disc 1" "Disc 2" etc where they appeared.
    FYI there are a couple of other specialised high level names in iTunes: <iTunes U>, <MOVIES>, <Podcasts> and <TV SHOWS>.
    I have been a consumer of podcasts from the early days and so lived with this contamination of my music library :)
    (Thank heavens iPod games and iPhone/Touch apps are stored in separate non-"music" directories !)
    Although initially I did keep my movies well away from iTunes I am finding it convenient to buy the odd TV show from the iTunes store and as a result my "music" library is slowly becoming a "multi-media" library.
    Since the GFC I have been subscribing to various university lectures, so all in all I am glad the clutter of the disorganisation is hidden from me and I can just use meta-data searching to find what I want !

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 11-11-2009 8:49 PM In reply to

    Re: File structure when ripping.

    I have posted my organisational nomenclature on this forum before. I find it very useful and gives me exactly what I want.

    Album folders are titled by “Artist Name – Album Name”.  This primarily keeps all my albums (sad) in artist alphabetical order.

    In WMP, I then edit the tags (remove all the [this is a cheap re-mix remix** sunshine muggin’s] add-on parenthesis) and simplify the Album, Artist and Album Artist.

    Multiple disk CD’s are renumbered to run concurrently i.e. Disc 1:- tracks 1 -12 and Disc 2:- tracks 13 – 24

    Compilations are handled rather brutally by tagging all as “Various – Album Name” and Artist in WMP as “Various” (I like to listen to the music rather than pour over who wrote what. If I do need the info, I can reference that with the physical CD or by Amazon)

    Sometimes and series of discs come out from one title theme by various artists. This is usually categorised as “Hotel Costes – Hotel Costes Vol.1” so as a single artist.

    What this does ultimately is make looking up by album, artist or cover a doddle. Works for me. Photos attached.




  • 11-11-2009 8:50 PM In reply to

    Re: File structure when ripping.

    2nd screenshot

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