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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-15-2007 9:38 AM by Alex. 5 replies.
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  • 06-12-2007 12:37 PM

    the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    Dear All:

    I am planning on getting the BV 7 when it gets to the US.  Please give me your opinion on the following speaker set up: Center BL 7.4, front and rears BL 3s.  I cannot do the BL 9 secondary to space.

    Your comments are appriciated.


    When I hear music, I fear no danger. I see no foe... Thoreau
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  • 06-12-2007 12:59 PM In reply to

    Re: the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    Dear All:

    I am planning on getting the BV 7 when it gets to the US.  Please give me your opinion on the following speaker set up: Center BL 7.4, front and rears BL 3s.  I cannot do the BL 9 secondary to space.

    Your comments are appriciated.



    Hello RD,

    I think that the given solution is quite good, since you choose BL7.4 as the center speaker. 

    Another solution could be:

    center: 1 x BL7.1 or BL7.2 (if you choose BV7-32 or BV7-40 accordingly)

    front: 2x BL8000

    rear: 2x BL6000

    sub-woofer: BL2

    Aesthetically i fancy this one, though.



    Pedro "Less is more"

    BV7-40 MKII + BL7.2 + BL9 + BL3 + BS4 + BL4 + A9 + Earset 2 + 2 x Beo4 + BeoCom 5

  • 06-12-2007 1:10 PM In reply to

    Re: the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    Dear All:

    I am planning on getting the BV 7 when it gets to the US.  Please give me your opinion on the following speaker set up: Center BL 7.4, front and rears BL 3s.  I cannot do the BL 9 secondary to space.

    Your comments are appriciated.



    I would get a sub-woofer with this set up. It will sound better even if you have the sub-woofer turned down. 

  • 06-12-2007 3:32 PM In reply to

    • Tom
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    Re: the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    I have the setup (but without BL2) that Pedro suggested and I can only recommand it, it's sound is great, especially the BL7.1 does an excellent job with movies.

    If you go for the BL7.4 solution, you should get a BL2, as the center speaker does not go very low (compared with 7.1) and because the BL3 are somehow weak at low frequencies, especially at high volumes.

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 06-13-2007 3:50 AM In reply to

    • Jez
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    Re: the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    I had that set up but with the BL2 sub. I ended up trading in BL3 (front) and BL2 for the BL5's. However I must say that as much as I love the BL3's they are a little weak on their own at the front. If it was me i would go the BL2 sub before going rears. If space is an issue and a sub is out of the question then the BL8000's would be a better option. Fuller sound (more bottom end) and have a heap more power. However BL 8000's don't have acoustic lens so the separation isn't quite as good. Bottom line is the set up you want is fantastic but is miles better if you can fit in a BL2 sub.
  • 06-15-2007 9:38 AM In reply to

    • Alex
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: the new BV 7 and speaker choice

    If you are planning on getting the BeoLab 2 subwoofer, I'd go with BeoLab 3s. They seem to work better than 8000s when used with the sub. Also, bear in mind that the BeoLab 3s, while they won't play as loud as the 8000s, they are more robust. If you do plan on playing things loud, 8000s will be easier to blow/damage, while the 3s will take anything you throw at them, and just cut out when they can't handle it. The 8000s aren't as smart when it comes to always switching off when you can potentially damage the drivers.

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