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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-03-2009 3:11 AM by Puncher. 7 replies.
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  • 11-02-2009 5:44 AM

    BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    When can we expact BeoVision with larger screens, 50'' and more? I also think B&O should put out an external BluRay player or update BeoCenre 2 with ith as they do not have any solution for BV9, VB 10, BV 4, BV 7 32'' except BV 7 40/55''.

  • 11-02-2009 6:08 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    What we need is an external Blueray-Player with integrated Harddisk for recording HD-signals from TV, because non of the B&O-TV´s can offer an internal harddisk (expect BV 9 with integrated HDR 2, but this only with analog tuner).

    Why not put a blueray-player and a harddisk into a beosound 3200-case, this would be very nice!




  • 11-02-2009 8:49 AM In reply to

    • Toubro
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    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player


    What we need is an external Blueray-Player with integrated Harddisk for recording HD-signals from TV, because non of the B&O-TV´s can offer an internal harddisk (expect BV 9 with integrated HDR 2, but this only with analog tuner).

    Why not put a blueray-player and a harddisk into a beosound 3200-case, this would be very nice!




    If they do make such a product I just hope that they make it a real B&O product, like the BC2, and not like the rebadged philips recorder HDR2, which has no design, is way to bulky and just plain boring.

    We all agree that B&O produces some timeless pieces, but I think it would be a shame to reuse an old design.


    Of course some of you might disagree, but that is my view.

  • 11-02-2009 9:30 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    Reusing the "old" design of the Beosound 3200 would be almost better than using the "design" of the HDR 2!

  • 11-02-2009 1:10 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    Oh yes, I would love a BeoSound 3200 with a built in blu-ray player, mind you I would be a bit worried as im sure it would be sourced from Samsung - fabulous for lcd panels but not so hot for other things.

    A word on caution however, I baught a DVD1 in 2005 and feel so completed ripped off by it - £750 for a dam dvd player  not cool especially as its had a quirky fault from day 1 whereby you will be watching a movie and for some strange reason it decides to repeat a chaper instead ofmoving onto the next one!  Very very very overpriced box in my opinion so much so that ive left it at my Aunts and I use a Sony BDP-S360 blu-ray player. I love B&O however I feel that i was completely ripped off with this purchase. I think they make amazing TV's, some loudspeakers and some Hi-Fis but their other products are a bit like Gucci bags!

  • 11-02-2009 2:28 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    They should make a beomaster 5 with a blu ray player integrated. So it could be used as a blu ray player , a harddiskrecorder and the normal functions of the beomaster 5

  • 11-02-2009 2:58 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player

    Blu-Ray player? That's so 2008. They might as well build in a reel to reel. In a few more years we won't be discussing or using discs nearly enough to warrant a serious investment so why would you want to throw your money away now? It's like buying a horse and cart when there are already cars on the street!

    I'm not saying they're not useful today, but think of the timescale of a B&O investment! Let's just say that if we made one it would be $2,500, now go spend that money upgrading your speakers! 

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 11-03-2009 3:11 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 03-27-2007
    • Nr. Durham, NE England.
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    Re: BeoVision 10 50'' and external Blu Ray player


    Blu-Ray player? That's so 2008. They might as well build in a reel to reel. In a few more years we won't be discussing or using discs nearly enough to warrant a serious investment so why would you want to throw your money away now? It's like buying a horse and cart when there are already cars on the street!

    I'm not saying they're not useful today, but think of the timescale of a B&O investment! Let's just say that if we made one it would be $2,500, now go spend that money upgrading your speakers! 

    ....................... so just make a half-4rsed attempt and shove any old player in your new £12K BV7- MKIV!Erm


    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

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