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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-03-2009 4:30 PM by ipaul. 3 replies.
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  • 10-27-2009 6:07 PM

    • geearr
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 03-27-2008
    • Gold Coast, Australia
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    MX7000 picture alignment

    Good morning everyone


    Over the last twelve months, I have noticed that the picture on my MX7000 has started to become slightly tilted.  On some days, it is worse than others and yesterday, it seemed to be about 10mm lower on the left hand side compared with the right hand side.  This has now gone from an acceptable problem to an irritating one.


    My question is simple, is this the beginning of the end for the picture tube or is it a problem that can be fixed by adjustment or perhaps a simple component change.  Can any of the TV experts advise me whether this can be economically repaired or whether I am likely to be wasting my time and money.  I like this TV and everything else is in perfect condition so it seems to be worth saving. 


    Thanks for any help and advice





  • 10-27-2009 7:35 PM In reply to

    Re: MX7000 picture alignment

    Geoff, first of all it has nothing to do with the tube going (or not) to it's end.

    Since it seems to be there kind of every now and than it's not an adjustment, but in any case the menu doesn't have an adjustment for the effect you describe.

    To me the only thing i can think of with a tilting pic is a magnetic source somewhere near the tv set.

    See if the effect changes if you turn the tv...

  • 10-29-2009 6:29 AM In reply to

    • geearr
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 03-27-2008
    • Gold Coast, Australia
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    Re: MX7000 picture alignment

    Thanks for the input ipaul.  I cleared away all of the magnetic components that I could find, taking all of the speakers well away from the set - no change noticed.  Picture shape also seems to stay the same when the TV is rotated on its stand.  Not having much luck with this one I'm afraid.

    Thanks for your contribution and I really hope that you are right when you say that it shouldn't be a tube problem



  • 11-03-2009 4:30 PM In reply to

    Re: MX7000 picture alignment

    Hmmm,  it's a bit hard to say anything about it without being able to see it.

    The while picture tilts (rotates) and other than that no strange things like decolouration ?

    Maybe you can post a pic ?

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