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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-29-2009 4:45 AM by tournedos. 2 replies.
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  • 10-24-2009 5:10 PM

    • StuF
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    Beogram 6000 (4002) tone-arm raise/lower fault?

    I've been doing some overhaul work on my Beogram and I'm suspiscious I've created a strange fault Sad I could really do with some advice?

    A little history - my deck started life as a 6000 bought new by my father in the '70s - I took it on sometime in the late '80s after it had the CD4 bits (demodulator?) removed therefore I guess it is now effectively a 4002?

    Anyway ...... the decks been out of action for 6 months whilst we've been doing some work on the house and now it's time to get it back into action. For some time (previously) there's been an issue over the raising/lowering mechanism causing the arm to drop a little too dramatically, but then raise slowly???? Ok, so this is what I've done so far ......

    1. I've reset the position of the board to adjust the solenoid system, to cause the small microswitch to latch at full movement of the solenoid mechanism.

    2. I've reset the static balance of the tone-arm.

    3. I've adjusted the damper cylinder to give approximately one second to lower.

    So, it works just like new, except ........ the up/down button does absolutely nothing! Fine if playing the record from start to finish but obviously more than a little inconvenient! To add to the dilemma, I've discovered that the "33" button can be used instead to lift or lower the arm, and the same will happen if using the "45" button! I'm pretty sure this has never happened before, I've had the deck long enough that I'm sure I'd have noticed! Could this be related to something I've adjusted or is it possible I've damaged something???

    Please be aware everything done so far has been on the bench and the deck has not yet been connected to the amp, although I'm pretty sure evrything's going to be okay there!


  • 10-29-2009 4:23 AM In reply to

    • StuF
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    • Joined on 09-01-2008
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    Re: Beogram 6000 (4002) tone-arm raise/lower fault?

    Working! I've carefully run through everything again and I've found a slight re-adjustment of the board (in "1" above) has returned operation to normal. Although I believed I adjusted the board to the correct position according to the service details I have, it would appear I'd taken it a little too far! Always potential problems with being an "enthusiastic medler" rather than using a B&0 professional [:'(]

  • 10-29-2009 4:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 6000 (4002) tone-arm raise/lower fault?

    Well done! Many of the adjustments are difficult to do correctly and may affect each other... when I was overhauling my 6000 I at one point gave up trying to do some adjustments "in the middle" and started over from the beginning in correct order. That worked much better Smile


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