I would shy away from the RX or RX 2 as they were built with RCA outputs which means you won't have remote control facilities when connected to a B&O amp which may have. The Beogram 5000 is basically the same deck with remote control facility via datalink (as all are of this design which include the 1800 & 2000 neither of which support remote). The 5000 is a little more refined and would be my personal choice if you are looking to connect to a B&O amp. It will sit very well with a beomaster 5000 which is one of the better amps of the same era.
On the plus side though the RX 2 can be connected to any non B&O amp without the need for any converter leads.
Keep the questions coming and I'm sure you will end up with exactly what you need at the right price.
Just one more thing - NO Beograms travel very well in the post, especially if packaged by someone who doesn't know what they are doing, so really try and find one within collecting distance.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.