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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-08-2009 9:13 AM by johansens. 29 replies.
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  • 11-02-2009 5:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Lack of bass in Beovox mc120.2

    Ok, I've been listening to a wide range of speakers over the past years, and my personal perception says that they should have som more bass, especially for their size. I can mention that with "loudness"-effects turned on, the bass is performing more like "it should", but ofcourse, this is my own opinion.  I will give them some time to see if the sound will change a bit. 

    I will check around to see if someone got any other beomasters to test with, I do only have some old Nad / Tandberg amps, but I don't think the amp is the "problem" here.

    Thanks for all comments!


  • 11-02-2009 6:03 PM In reply to

    • Macus
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    • Kungälv, Sweden
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    Re: Lack of bass in Beovox mc120.2

    Hej Oyvind!

    Kolla att kablarna från delningsfiltret till basarna att de är hela.

    Testa om det blir någon skillnad om du byter ut kablaget.

    Om det finns sprickor i höljet så kanske de kortsluter mot kondensatorerna på kortet.


    Owner of a Beomaster 2400-2 and a pair of Beovox 1001 speakers. 

    My other favourite brands are Apple, Philips and Infinity.

  • 11-06-2009 10:02 PM In reply to

    • Jon
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Lack of bass in Beovox mc120.2

    I read through this post somewhat quickly, so if it was mentioned already, I'm sorry, but I didn't see anyone suggest that your woofers are wired out of phase. If your voice coils aren't seized by an off-center magnet, and they move freely, that'd be the very next thing I'd check, before the crossovers for sure. Go through and make sure all your drivers are wired in correct polarity while you're at it. Those OEM woofers are very high quality; I'd keep them and re-foam them over replacing them with the (also very nice, but not the same) Peerless 8" SLS woofers.

    Hope that helps,


  • 11-07-2009 2:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Lack of bass in Beovox mc120.2

    Just a thought - Have you cleaned up the protection circuit? My MS150s sounded appalling after a lay up and it was all due to the protection circuit.

  • 11-08-2009 9:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Lack of bass in Beovox mc120.2

    Again, thanks for all the feedback! I will check out these points and see if that could help to improve the performance!


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